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15 Years Later


"Are you there already?"

"Yeah." I say, talking with the phone secured between my shoulder and ear. "Just get done with whatever you need to— quick."

Shilla's bright voice comes from the opposite end.

"I heard you got accepted to BHM Corps!"

I laugh. "Don't try to change the topic. You're still making me fill in for you for the shift you're supposed to be working."

She just chuckles back awkwardly, before hanging up with a squeaky goodbye.

And I tuck my phone in my pocket, turning around to serve the first customer.

It's a tall man, dark hair almost covering his doe eyes.

"Hi." He says with a smile. "Can I get the banana milk, please? And a coffee for my friend."


"I told you I can't drink coffee," Another voice says, deep and baritone. "It's too bitter."

"So what would you like?" I say, looking back up. "I'd recommend—"

And I stop.

Not possible.

"What would you recommend for me?" He says, and I almost stutter as I motion shakily at the menu.

"We have, uh, a lot of sweet selections if you don't like bitter. Hot chocolate, café latte..."

"One hot chocolate, please."

Now I was sure. Even though his voice had completely changed down deeper,
I could still recognize the features.


The man standing in front of me was Taehyung.

But he turns away after ordering, and I stare at his back as he finds a table along with his friend.

He didn't recognize me.

He hadn't.

And I can't take my eyes off of him. Even though his outer appearance only showed a faint trace of the child before, his personality still seemed to be the same.

Sweet. Lovely.

Only when he walks out the door do I finally manage to get my eyes off of him.

He'd grown so well.

And if he had been pretty the last time that I'd seen him, now he was beautiful. It was hard to describe the feeling when I'd first recognized him.

I squeeze my hand together.

Did he really not remember?


The next day I go to the café again, to meet Shilla. I'd only come because she'd bribed me with one of my favorite menus.

But of course, she's nowhere when I go inside the petite building.

Late again.

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