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"Why are you so tense?"

"How do you know I'm tense?" He mumbles, cupping his face in his hands with a blank look. "I'm completely relaxed, Noona."

"Are you?"

His lips squeeze into a pout. And I stop pressing him, smiling softly instead.

"How about dinner? We can go to that place that you like, Taehyung."

His brows furrow. And he frowns, eyes darkening.

"I...can't. I'm sorry."

"You have something else today?" I ask, curious. He usually would've jumped at the idea of eating together. "Is it important?"

"I wish it wasn't."


"Do you mind telling me?"

But he hesitates, before finally shaking his head. He murmurs another apology, still looking unhappy.

Now my curiosity is blazing. But knowing he'd just get more defensive if I kept pressing him, I nod slightly and leave the topic.

"Then some other time."

"Some other time." He nods, whispering. And I almost forget about everything when he pulls me close, burying his face deep into the crook of my shoulder.

Taehyung mumbles.

"I'm really sorry."

"For what?" Lifting his head from my neck, I press a gentle kiss on his lips. "You're always so sorry about everything."

"This time I actually am."

I laugh softly. "When have you ever not been? Don't act like such a pure angel, Tae. It makes me want to take you home."

He looks up, almond eyes glowing.

"Noona. Will you say that to me again later on?"

"That you're an angel? Of cou—"

"No, no." He interrupts, shaking his head. And I tilt my head at him, confused until he pushes his lips together.

"That you'll take me home with you."



Yes, Tae. Of course I will.

Her voice is the only thing giving me comfort as Jungkook fixes a firm look at me, pushing the door open to the hospital.

"Come on. You've been walking like a turtle all the way up the stairs."

"I don't want to go."

The corners of his eyes slant downwards. "Taehyung. If you don't get this fixed now, it might become even worse. This is because you've been putting off your treatment for so long."

My hands flex inside my coat pockets. "I know."

"Then don't resist."

But still, I stand behind Jungkook with my head tipped to the ground and my face stone cold the entire time he talks to the receptionist. I didn't want to be here— with this smell, a mix of alcohol and steel.

"Taehyung." I hear him say, looking down at his wrist. "Room 201. Let's go."

I don't move.

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