i nodded my head,smiling.
"thank you anthony,you have no idea how much you helped me."

"shit,you know you can thank me in other ways too.you know how it is liyah."
he chuckled.

i made a disgusted face.
"shut up anthony."
i said hanging up the phone putting it in my pocket.

i walked down the hallway to ms clark's room,thinking to myself.

i don't wanna just assume that destiny has been messing with miles,but i mean what else could it be.

miles is barely ever home,me and destiny never hang out anymore and i know damn well destiny ain't taking a cycling class.

destiny doesn't even do p.e.
she hates sports or any physical exercise.

thank god for her genes,cause the way she's built you'd think she works out twenty-four seven.

i'm not gonna go accusing her of anything,i'm just gonna keep my mouth shut and let this all cool down before i make a move.

i walked into ms clark's room seeing her sitting at an easel,painting a new piece.

"you wanted to see me."
i said leaning on the door.

she turned away from her easel,motioning for me to sit in the chair next to her.

i put my bag down doing so,watching her paint in silence.

she was working on a painting,looking back and forth at the sketch next to it.

the sketch showed a woman leaving a grocery market,and giving all of her food to a group of hungry skinny kids.

the painting was only about halfway done but i could tell it was gonna be amazing.

"so what's the story behind this one?"
i ask,getting a closer look at the canvas.

she sighed.
"who does that look like to you?"
she pointed at the woman handing the kids food.

i shrugged genuinely not knowing.
"jessica alba? i don't know."

she laughed shaking her head as i did the same.
"it's me."

i leaned back in shock,looking closer at the sketch which did in fact resemble her.

"where is this?"
i ask looking at her as she painting slowly.

"last summer,me and my husband went to port au prince in haiti.it's just on the gulf of gonâve,and a lot of the children there are starving.so me and my husband,just a few hours before our flight,spent the rest of our money on food and gave it to the kids who needed it."

i examined the sketch a little more thoroughly.

the kids were all insanely skinny,you could see their ribs and bones.

regardless of their state,they all had smiles on their faces when they received the food they gave them.

"my husband took this picture when i wasn't looking and i've been wanting to paint it for a while now"

Poisonous Love. [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now