
"You ready," I say to the girls before switching on the movie for this afternoon. It's the grinch, the animated movie of course, but hopefully, they will all nap after it.

"Yes daddy"

"It's Max daddy"

"That's right," I say and I cuddle Lola into me, she is rubbing her eyes, which means she is starting to get sleepy, so she might fall asleep during the movie

My plan is to watch the movie, get the girls sleepy, put them down for a nap, clean the mess that these human tornados have created, and begin preparation for dinner which is pasta. It is a simple easy recipe that I haven't messed up yet.

So when they wake up we can go to the park and have a little play, and they can get some fresh air, it is also partly so they can get rid of all of their energy. I still have 0 clue what to do with them, and Avery is so good with them,

Then we can come back and play at home, whilst I cook dinner, we can eat then have a bath, read a book and go to sleep. Once they are asleep I will have nothing to do, so I guess I will just wash up from dinner and look for a new tv show to watch!

The movie moves quickly and as I suspected both of my toddlers are dozing off so I move them upstairs to their bedrooms and I tuck them in before Lola who fell asleep for an hour is now awake, I strap her to myself with the baby carrier, which she loves and I find the easiest to carry her in so I won't hurt her.

"Are you going to help me, clean baby?" I say to her and I begin to pick up all of the dishes and place them in the sink.

"Dadada" she replies

"Yes dada, can you say clean?"

"Cweee," she says squealing, and I tidy the drawing table, which is just essentially picking up the pencils and textas, putting lids on textas, and placing the sheets of paper in the draw.

I then noticed a small mark on the wall which wasn't there before, which I assume was an accident so I wiped it off. Best parent hack Avery discovered washable markers, they come off skin, clothes and surfaces!

I miss her so much, and I don't know what to do to make it better, I love her so much but I screwed it up again

I pick up the rest of the mess and am just about to relax on the couch when the doorbell rings

"I wonder who is here," I say and open the door, on the other side is Anna Rose

"What are you doing here Annabelle," I say immediately

"Hello Gray baby," she says and she moves to kiss me, which I pull away "who is this little one"

"Lola," I say back and her faces twists

"Yuck, who named her that, was it Avery?" she says

"No, I did," I say back, she came named, but she doesn't have to know that "What are you doing here Annabelle"

"It's Anna Gray, and I came to see if you wanted to come to dinner with me" she replies

"I can't" I reply

"Why?" she whines

"Because I have to look after my kids"

"Ugh, why can't you send them back to dodo bird?"

"Because it is my night, and don't call her that"

"I will call her what I want, just leave them alone"

"I am not leaving my 3 young children home alone"

"You have done it before"

"No, I have not," I say to her

"Come on Grayson, pretty please," she says whining, pouting

"No," I say back and Lola looks up at me "No no no no, that's right baby"

"Look Grayson, if it is about Avery, she doesn't want you, and I want you," she says and my chest feels a pang,

She doesn't want you, she doesn't want you

"Stop Anna"

"Grayson, I love you, It's been a month since she left, she doesn't love you, it's me!" she says and moves to kiss me again

"STOP," I say back "No you don't"

"I do I love you so much, and I will do anything to have you"

"You need to go"

"No Gray baby, please" she pleads

"Stay out of my life," I say and I slam the door in my face, and I look at Lola

"She is crazy, right baby, crazy"

"Cwazy" she repeats

"Yes Lola, crazy" I reply and kiss her forehead



this story will contain:

---- Swearing (which may cause offense)

---- Sexual content (as in references ya nasties)

----Moments that you will either laugh or scream


2020 @ellehardwick

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