Merlin Angelina

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"Uh-yeah-let's go Angie," Lee yanked Angelina out the room with a yelp, his dreads disappearing as the door shut.
"What is it with people coming in when we're having fun," Fred pouted, reaching up to play with my hair.
"It's alright for some, at least you got to finish," I teased, kissing me softly before getting up and searching for my clothes.
"Don't goooo," he whined, "I'm injured," I chuckled and shook my head putting my clothes on.
"I'm going to get us some dinner, and have a few words with Miss Johnson," I smiled, brushing his sweaty hair out of his face, "you just sit there and look pretty until I get back ok?"
"I'm pretty," he grinned goofily, before reaching out with a grabby-hand sort of gesture. Laughing quietly I went and hugged him gently, his head nestled in the crook of my neck, his breath hot and hair tickley.
"I'll be back soon," I said before reluctantly breaking our hug.

I left the twins dorm and went into the cheery common room. The fire crackled merrily, casting shadows on the red and gold wallpaper. Angelina was sitting on the couch next to Lee, pouting and giving me an icy stare at the same time.
"I warned her!" He threw his hands up in defence,
"So did I!" George chuckled, his hair matching the fire behind him.
"It's alright boys, I think Johnson and I need to have a little heart to heart," I smiled. She huffed dramatically,
"There's nothing we need to talk about," her dark eyes flashed angrily. I stood in front of her and looked down.
"Honey, I really don't appreciate you throwing yourself at Fred, it's just sad at this point," I cooed in my best condescending tone.
"I'm not, I'm just showing him he has options, better options," she snarled, I chuckled amusedly. Her full lips were twisted in irritation and jealousy.
"Next time you interrupt us, I'm not going to stop, maybe then you'll learn what it sounds like when a guy is properly pleased," I smirked before turning around to talk to the boys.

Lee and George were staring at me with wide eyes.
"Anyone want to accompany me to the kitchen?" I asked, smiling.
"Uh yeah, sure," Lee got to his feet chuckling.
"Ditto," George sprung to his feet, fighting amusement. We exited the portrait hole.
"Fancy a race Weasley?" Lee asked, looking at the maze of moving staircase,
"You bet," George grinned before climbing over the banister and balancing on the edge of the stone staircase with Lee,
"What're you doing?" I half shrieked, the boys laughed at the amusement on my face.
"See ya at the bottom sunshine," George laughed before dropping off the edge of a banister whooping, Lee followed him.
"George!" I yelled peering over the banister, the boys had jumped to the staircase below and were running along staircases and leaping down banisters. At one point Lee jumped and grabbed hold of a moving staircase before swinging to one opposite. They were at the bottom in no time, and I ran down the staircases after them, almost toppling some second year Hufflepuffs.

"You scared the living shit out of me!" I screeched wrapping both boys in a hug.
"Easy tiger," Lee chuckled almost stumbling, but hugging me back nonetheless.
"We learnt it a couple summers ago, it's a muggle thing, parkour," George explained.
"Holy merlin," I sighed before walking into the kitchen.
"Hello Miss Hunt!" A small elf squeaked running over,
"Hi! We were hoping for some dinner please?" I smiled at the petite creature,
"Of course Miss, Billa will find you dinner give away, what is Billa to get you?" She babbled cheerfully, as a couple more house-elves congregated behind her,
"Pizza!" Lee piped up, "pizza please,". George had leaned down to whisper to an elf with rather wrinkly features, who ran off and returned with a small package wrapped in wax paper.
"Of course!" Billa squeaked, rushing off with the others as I frowned in puzzlement at George. He shrugged and smirked as he slipped it into his jeans pocket.
"Does anyone know where Dobby is?" I asked, "I'd like to say hello," the house elves muttered.
"Dobby is taking his day off he is," a house elf said as if a bad taste was in his mouth,
"Ah I see, well please would you tell him I was here," I smiled, the house elves were still rigorous in their old ways.

"Of course miss," the one who spoke earlier nodded.
"I had the pizza! Shall Billa send it to the Gryffindor common room?" She asked,
"You're a gem!" Lee smiled as we walked out, not before a house elf had passed me a bottle of butter beer.  We left the chuckling pear behind us as climbed up the pale staircases. The halls busy with students returning to common rooms or the great hall.
"Say Georgie, what was that you got from the house elf?" I asked, turning to the ginger.
"Nothin', something for the weekend," he shrugged, patting his pocket reassuringly. I rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs. It seemed I was staying in the Gryffindor common room more than Slytherin lately. We made our way back into the common room and saw Fred sitting on a couch by the fire, Angelina was nowhere to be seen, and Ron and Harry were hiding laughter.

"How'd you get down here Freddie!" I half ran over, fussing over him.
"Angelina came into the room, so I came down," he shrugged, kissing me on the cheek.
"That's not all that happened!" Ron yelled, before him and Harry burst into another bout of laughter.
"What the fuck is happening in here," George said toppling backwards into a chair,
"ANGELINA TRIED TO HAVE SEX WITH FRED BUT HE TOLD HER OFF!" Ginny shrieked manically from a spot on the far end of the common room, I hadn't noticed her and Hermione.
"Oh?" I said raising an eyebrow,
"She said something about her showing me real pleasure? I told her to shove off so she got pissed and stormed out," Fred explained, he'd put a black T-shirt on, which fitted nicely against his toned body.
"I'm going to throttle her," I fumed, clenching my fists and turning towards the girls dorms.
"As hot as you are when you're angry, I'd rather we just ate pizza," Fred soothed, taking the butter beer from my hand. On cue the pizza popped into view on the coffee table, four cardboard boxes stacked neatly on the polished wood.
"Neat!" Lee whooped and opened them up, the smell wafting through the common room. We took a seat and started tucking in, chatting about idle subjects; quidditch, OWLs and how Filch was probably shagging his cat.
"I'm telling you! Mrs Norris definitely gets it!" George was laughing hysterically as I leaned my head on Fred's right shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me as we laughed, his laughter resonating in my ears.
"No no that's impossible! Filch doesn't have a dick!" Fred said, taking a sip of butter beer. Tears streamed down our faces as we continued the conversation. The atmosphere was light after the stress of earlier, food filling our bellies and fire warming our toes. We ate until we couldn't possibly eat any more. As we lounged on the red velvet of the couches, the setting sunlight slanted through the tower windows, the shadows from the fire growing larger and larger. My eyelids grew heavy as the conversation turned to Chudley Cannons, I was more of a Holyhead Harpies fan, so I stroked Fred's hair as I listened to the twins and Lee converse. I was laying with my head against the arm of the couch, Fred laying on top of me with  his head on my stomach. He was heavy but not uncomfortably so, his head rising and falling slightly with my breath.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, drifting on before I could register. I woke up some hours later, the fire having burnt out to embers. Lee was sleeping in his armchair, head back and snoring. George was flat on his back on the floor, his mouth open as if catching flies. Fred was still laying on me, and we each had a soft red blanket covering us. A note was placed on the coffee table. I reached out, careful not to wake Fred.
'Miss Hunt, Dobby is thanking you for asking about him. He was taking his day off in Hogsmeade. Dobby brought you some blankets and cookies for when you wake up' a hastily drawn smiley face was scribbled underneath it. I smiled, before looking at the large golden clock above the fireplace. It was just past 3 in the morning. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

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