Late for Class

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I groaned and opened my eyes, my head pounding. I was laying on Fred chest, his arm wrapped protectively around my waist. I sat up slowly, mindful of my pounding head. Cedric and Pansy lay entangled next to us, Zach lay a couple meters down the pitch and George snored next to him. It was Monday! We had lessons! I judged from the weak sunlight it was only about five in the morning. We had four hours before lessons, but we needed to get inside the castle before we got into trouble. I shook Fred awake, he rolled over and placed an arm across his eyes.
"Freddie you have to wake up!" I said shaking him,
"Nooooo," he moaned and rolled over tighter.
Grinning wickedly I slip my hand down the front of his pjs and grab his dick.
"Holy-" he yells and rolls over.
"I had to get you up!" I laughed
"You can't just touch it then leave it," he pouts and wraps his arms around me.
"Not now you horny idiot" I laugh hugging him back before pulling us both to our feet, "we all need to get inside and cleaned up before anyone notices". We were all streaked with grass stains from sleeping outside. I went to wake Pansy and Ced, while Fred rounded up George and Zach. In a mumbling sleepy muddle we made our way to the castle. The twins led us through a passage by the greenhouses before we left the hufflepuffs by their common room entrance. By the staircases Fred planted a kiss on my cheek before heading up towards his common room with George.

Pansy linked her arm through mine as we skulked through the dungeons. We crept into our dorms, thankful we weren't seen. Pansy hopped in the shower first while I summoned some coffee from the house elves. The bitter, rich scent wafted up with the steam as I cupped them mug between my hands. I sat on my bed, attempting to not smear grass on my sheets. A couple of sips of the strong brew and the fog started clearing from my head. Pansy emerged from the shower and flopped onto her bed, still too hungover to care I trudged into the bathroom and made the water as cold as I could stand. I stripped my green-stained clothes off and stepped under the shower head. Goosebumps immediately prickled my flesh but I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, letting cold water run down my face and through my hair. I lathered shampoo in my hair, trying to wash away my handover like the soapy bubbles disappearing down the drain. After conditioning and washing my face I finally turned off the water. A clean towel lay on the rack and I wrapped myself in it, savouring the soft soft warmth. I looked in the mirror and saw purple moons stamped under my blue eyes. I sifted through my toiletries to find my moisturiser and under-eye cream. It didn't make much difference, so I dragged a brush through my tangled locks. I emerged slightly less worse for wear and attempted to locate my uniform. I had a quidditch match on Friday so I was allowed to wear my quidditch jersey this week. I dug through my trunk but could find it.
"Pans have you seen my quidditch jersey?" I directed at my friend who still lay slumped across her bed in a towel.
"Weren't you wearing it last night?" She muttered,
"No I wore this," I said holding up the blue, and now green, jersey, "oh shit!"
"It's in Fred's room! He asked me to swap mine for his!" Pansy started laughing hysterically,
"What're you gonna do?" She said between laughs.
"I'll have to find him and ask for it back,"

I put the rest of my uniform, black skirt, knee socks, white shirt but no tie or robes due to the quidditch jumper. I laced up my oldest pair of docs before grabbing my bag and running out the common room. I rushed through the dungeons, dodging student and teachers alike. I nearly fell down a staircase as it started moving, I was in such a panic. I ran up another flight of stairs before running straight into someone and falling back down the stairs. I tumbled for a couple seconds before coming to a stop. Everything hurt and I was dizzy.
"Bloody hell Storm! Are you ok!" Fred yelled rushing down the stairs, it was him I'd bumped into.
"I'm fine!" I said sitting up before a felt a rush of blood trickle down my chin. I probed my lip with my tongue, and from the pain and the soft flesh I figured it was probably split.
"No no no we need to take you to Madame Pomfrey!" He said scooping me up into his arms.
"Honestly I'm fine!" I said before wincing as my body yelled in pain. People were staring so I buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes, hearing his heartbeat calmed me. He carried me easily to the hospital wing, careful not to jostle me.

"What have we here?" I heard Madame Pomfrey say,
"She ran into me and fell down one of the staircases," Fred said, his voice tinged with concern.
"Alright put her down here,"  Fred placed me gently on one of the beds and stepped back. Madame Pomfrey tutted and fussed over my, casting charms to check for broken bones.
"Just a few bumps and bruises dear, those I can fix in a jiffy. Lips however are strange, it has to heal on its own," she said kindly, waving her wands over my aches and pains. She gently dabbed at my lip with some solution that stung and made my eyes water. When she was done she told me to rest for a couple hours before returning to class, then turned on her heel into her office.
"Where were you rushing off to?" Fred chuckled softly taking a seat next to me. I hadn't noticed he was still here, but I was secretly glad he was. He placed his large hand over mine,
"I was trying to find you, I left my jersey in your room," I said embarrassed, he chuckled before reaching into his bag.
"I thought you might need this," he placed my jersey on my lap with a smile, " I was coming to find you too,"
"Thank you," I smiled and reached over to hug him, his arms wrapped firmly around me and held me tight. His one hand played with my hair whilst the other traced circles on my back. "Fred I-" my voice trailed off, I wanted to tell him how I felt but chicken out.
"You what sunshine?" He said pulling out of our hug and softly touched my split lip.
"Uh-it's nothing," I said smiling at him.
"I've got to get to class sunshine but I'll come find you at dinner," Fred said before pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.

What in the actual hell was going on. Madame Pomfrey came out and gave me a glass of shimmering pink liquid.
"He's a cute one that boy, cheeky mind you. This'll help with that hangover of yours," she said with a smile before going back into her office. I sipped the lemony pink drink with a smile and felt my headache start fading away. I rolled onto my side and drifted into a nap.

When I woke I took note of the time, eleven twenty-five. If I left now I could make my potions lesson. Peeking my head into her office, I thanked Madame Pomfrey before heading back into the dungeons. Fred's smell was overwhelming as I neared the classroom. I chalked it up to my headache, but I understood as I stepped into the room. A pearly purple potion bubbled in the middle of the room, Amortentia.
"Gather round! Quickly!" Snape snapped before stalking behind the cauldron, "this is amortentia, you will replicate it exactly in these two hours. Go!"  I took my place between Pansy and Hermione. Potions was something I was good at.
"Are you okay? I heard you were in the hospital wing," Hermione asked,
"I'm fine thank you, took a tumble down some stairs," I replied. Opening my potions book I set to work shredding Boomslang skin precisely and efficiently.
"What do you smell Storm?" Pansy said smirking at me,
"I'll tell if you both do," I said grinning at the girls.
"Okay, I smell freshly mowed grass, parchment and spearmint toothpaste," Hermione said before blushing.
"I smell eucalyptus and sage," Pansy said nonchalantly.
"I smell cinnamon, smoke and gunpowder like fireworks," I say softly, knowing exactly who it was, "do you know the person that yours smells like?" I hazarded the question
"Uh- Ron," Hermione muttered softly before busying herself with her potion.
"Cedric," my raven haired friend said before putting too much lacewing fly in her potion, causing it to turn a hideous green.
"Mines Fred," I said stirring at my potion that was black as night.

"If you're wondering he doesn't know," Mione whispered,
"Nor does Ced," Pansy replied, I could see her blushing faintly, something extremely rare with the brash Slytherin.
"Fred doesn't," I sighed. Here we were brewing love potions, reduced to mere first years with our longing and blushing and giggling. I added flutterweed to my potion and it blossomed the perfect pale lilac. Hermione was huffing over hers, it was a darker shade than mine but not far off. Pansy was getting nowhere with a bubbling green slime boiling in her cauldron.

"Times up," Snape said, pacing around to inspect our brews. He yelled at various students, pausing briefly over mine before tipping Pansy's over her workbench, "clean it,". Muttering obscenities she started cleaning with her wand. I decanted my potion into the large cauldron at the front before clearing my workspace. My head was pounding so I decided to skip my transfiguration lesson. I slung my bag over my shoulder before heading up towards the moving staircases. Taking caution this time, my throbbing lip a reminder of this mornings fall. I wanted to go to the astronomy tower, I could see the whole grounds from there and it was wonderfully peaceful.

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