Too much Firewhiskey

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This is a long one so buckle up :)
I thought you might want to see a bit more action so viewer discretion advised ;)


The next week passed in a hazy blur. Between schoolwork and prepping for the Slytherin Halloween Bash I'd barely had time to breathe, let alone see Fred.

Slytherin hosted the best parties, so we had a standard to adhere to. Despite all that, my thoughts often wandered to a certain red-haired prankster. I'd eaten my meals with him a number of times, and there'd been a few stolen kisses in the corridors, but I ached for more.

It was Halloween and I was rushing around the kitchen, checking party foods and snack were in order.
"Miss Storm! Dobby has it sorted, Miss Storm must rest!" The tiny house elf fretted, trying to usher me into a chair, "Dobby knows you has been on your feet all day he does!" Succumbing to his caring nags I reluctantly sat on a tiny stool by the fire, a glass of pumpkin juice thrust into my hands.

I sipped the juice, not even registering the taste, as I ran through a mental checklist. Pansy had taken the brunt of the work, even so I was still rushed off my feet.

"Dobby has my order from Knockturn Alley arrived?" I called into the fray of bustling house elves.
"Yes Dobby has it, now you must go get dressed. Dobby and his friends will bring everything to the common room they will," the house-elf bowed before grabbing my hand and apparating me in my dorm before I could protest with a large crack.

"Ah Storm good, come help me!" with a yelp Pansy dragged me downstairs. She passed me a string of fairy lights and we levitated them to hang around the room.
"Okay now we need to get ready," I was ushered back into the dorm.

"Well hello to you to Pansy," I sighed, stripping off my school uniform.
"I'm sorry, I've been so rushed I-" Pansy sighed, undoing her ponytail.
"Honestly, you've done great, it'll be fine," I soothed, rubbing her arm reassuringly.

I turned and started digging for something to wear in my trunk. We took any excuse to dress up, the skimpier the better. Pansy and I, in typical best friend fashion had somewhat corresponding costumes. I was a dark angel, and she the devil.

I had a black velvet skirt on, that reached the floor, with slits all the way up to the waistband. I paired it with thigh high stockings, a black lace bralette top and huge sweeping black angel wings. The wings attached to my skin via magic, and fluttered softly as I moved, adjusting as to not bump into my surroundings. I layered on the eyeliner and the darkest red lipstick I could. My light blonde hair fell to just above my shoulders in waves, the contrast of the black clothing making my pallid skin only appear paler.

Pansy looked astonishing, in a skintight red dress that came to about a quarter of the way down her thigh. The dress shimmered softly and a devils tail swished seductively from under her skirt. Horns adorned her shining black hair and her makeup was dark and bold. She picked up a red pitchfork and extended a hand to me.

"Ready to par-tay?" She purred, shimmying her hips.
"You know if you weren't my best friend, I would totally fuck you," I teased, grabbing her hand.

Several Slytherins were already in the common room. It was dim, lit only by glowing red fairy lights and Jack-o-lanterns. Tables were adorned with food and drink, covered in black tablecloths. Spiderwebs hung from the unlit chandeliers and ghosts hovered overhead conversing.

With a flick of my wand, loud seductive music started playing the fairy lights pulsing with the beat of the tune. Pans and I grabbed a glass of fizzy fairy wine I'd ordered from knockturn alley as we watched people trickle in.

As per usual, the party was exclusively from third year upwards, and all the houses attended. There was a myriad of costumes, from vampires to aliens to muggle superhero's.

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