Sneak Peak

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Hey everyone I'm sorry for taking a couple months. I needed a break from writing but I promise I'm back.

I am currently writing the part 2 which you will hopefully have by Sunday!

But for some anticipation to lead up here is a sneak peak!

While I was on my way back to my room I heard a voice coming down a deserted hallway.

Now usually I would have ignored it and kept on my path except this voice was familiar and seemed to be arguing with someone so I followed it.

Quieter than a mouse I made my way to the wall hoping to hear them better.

"What do you mean you want out you can't it's impossible and not allowed and you know it girly." This voice was one I had never heard before. It was deep and gravely.

"You don't understand!" The other voice pleaded "I never wanted this! I didn't have a choice! You forced me to do this!"

"Oh quit with your complaining Beauregard! You never had to join."

"Yes because I was about to let you kill the love of my life, you gave me no choice. And anyway you rebels got what you wanted so the deal is done I'm free."

"You and I both know you are only done when the big guy says so." The deep voice said with a tone that seemed to end the conversation. "You know you can't tell anyone or they will have you head."

"I know." She sighed defeatedly.

I stood there in shock at what I just heard.


Yeah! Hopes you like it!! And hope this builds some suspense!!

Catch you later lovelies!!!!


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