We Are All Just Pawns

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TW: Mention of Death, Abuse, Manipulation, Alcohol Abuse/ Alcoholism, Self Harm, Suicide

I'm not sure what might be triggering to any of you so I'm putting it out there. Read at your own risk.

The next chapter will have a recap of what happened without the triggers so you can skip it without missing anything.


"Rose" I gasped.

Rose used my shock against me and twisted out of my grip grabbing me and throwing me into a wall.

My head hit the stone with a thud, not causing any brain damage but hard enough to make the room spin.

"Well we'll well Anniebell. It took me having to grab and attack you for you to figure out I was the mole, and they call you the smart one. I'm sure you have some questions, gods knows you always do; never shutting up, always having to prove you're smarter than everyone in the class! It's annoying, it's infuriating, and it ends today. I'll answer what I want because Chase I'm the one who's in control."

My vision started going on and out and I was losing focus but I knew I couldn't just stand their and do nothing.

My gut was telling me Rose had pulled me aside but wasn't the mastermind behind all this. Someone else had made this plan which meant she was just buying time for whoever that was to get here.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Why? Why?! I'll tell you why Chase! You have the perfect little life,  a Prince who's in love with you, a loving family, a cushy life, and a position in the Royal Court that you didn't even earn! My whole life I struggled, my parents didn't want me, I was a girl, a disgrace, they wanted a son who could carry on the family name. ⚠️My mother was so sickly that after she gave birth to me she died. My father blamed me day in and day out for it constantly beating me telling me how horrible I was! I had no one! I was alone in the world until she came along. I would cut myself and think that if I did it just one more time, if I just cut a little bit deeper than I could handle the pain. I could fix myself when I realized it didn't work I tried to kill myself, it was that day when she came along and found me by the river holding a knife ready to end it all. ⚠️ My saving grace, my muse, my reason for living. She gave me a purpose told me all of what the Royals do. How they use and don't care about us. She promised eternal glory by her side if I joined her. I accepted of course, how could I not. When I saw her she was the most beautiful person in the world. My lady has an army you would not believe, her supports range in the thousands! You think these petty little attacks are anything, just wait until the time finally comes. The Royal Guard won't stand a chance. My lady will rise up and we will rule together. And you will help us."

The listen in stunned silence. Rose's life was a nightmare she was so brave, but how could I let all the things she caused go.

I still felt terribly light headed and like I was about to pass out but I knew I couldn't.

Whatever the rebels had planned for me wasn't good and passing out would just make it easier on them.

I forced my self to stay present.

My eyes were barely open so I could only make out movement though the slits. My hands grasped at the wooden dresser keeping myself upright hoping to not fall over.

I had to fight back but in my current state that wouldn't be possible. I needed her to keep talking long enough to gain my strength. I prayed to every god there was from Zeus to Jesus but especially to my mother, praying to regain my strength before the other rebels come.

"I'm sorry." I croaked out shutting my eyes and counting back from ten, grounding myself, stating in the present moment.

"Sorry, your sorry! Oh of course you are, I mean that's what you Royals do! You treat people the way you want! You discard them like trash, but the second it comes to nip you in the bud you are suddenly so apologetic. If i wanted I could have killed you, but unlike you filthy rulers I keep my promises."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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