Our Place

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After me and Piper make it to the safe room.

I decide to go scout the area and make sure no prankers are coming.

Almost all the girls are in the room.

I head out getting a little claustrophobic.

I wander down the hallways when I stumble across a dead end.

About to turn back I see a hidden corner completely hidden in darkness.

I walk over to it and find an indent in the wall.

I pull up the tapestry and find a small little door with a secret latch on the wall.

I get down on all fours and crawl through the space.

Once I get pretty deep in it starts to open up and I'm able to walk.

I take off my heels and walk on my bear feet lifting up my dress.

After a little bit I see a light and find a door pushed slightly ajar. 

I push I open more and it creaks much to my liking.

I hear shuffling around the room and turn to head back but my curiosity gets the best of me.

"Hello" I say barley above a whisper.

"Who's there" I hear in a deep voice.

It sounds almost fake but whatever.

"Non of you business" I continue "Come out so I can see who is here."

"Annabeth?" I hear the person say questioning themselves.

"How did you know" I say loudly about to run back when the thing pulls me into the room.

I start to scream only to have someone put their hand against my mouth.

"SHHHHH she'll hear you and then I'm toast" the voice says which I start to make out.

I bite the hand hard and kick him in the knee knocking him over.


"OWWWW I'm so sorry Annie its just I was hiding from you know who" Percy says rolling on the floor.

"She's not Voldemort Perseus and you look like an idiot." I tell him.

"Well she is out to get me and if you say her name too loud she has this crazy sense and knows exactly where the person is." he says.

"And you attacked me so of course I hurting." he says defensively.

"You grabbed me first it is called self protection" I say smirking.

"Whatever and don't you still have that knife that you use." he says limping up.

I smile remembering my old friend Luke got me a special knife.

"Of course Seaweed Brain but I can't carry it around with me like you and your sister."

"Ya sure."

I look around the room and see it is a big open area. Its like a safe room but it has a set of stairs to one end which I guess leads out of the room.

"This isn't such a bad place I say."

"I know I've made this my official safe heaven like how Seashell has one and the Stolls too" Percy says proud.

"I'm just surprised that you found a place like this" I say wiping the smirk off his face.

"You know I had an idea" I gasp shocked which makes him roll his eyes "Why don't we use this as a safe heaven together and a meeting place."

"Wow kelp for brains that's not a bad idea" I say laughing.

He whines "Why did you use their nickname."

"Cause I felt like it" I say smiling.

Percy smile turns to a frown and he looks down at the ground.

"Hey I was just kidding" I say.

"I know but I have to tell you something." he says continuing to look at the ground.

"What is it" I ask worried.

"Paul says that I have to go on dates with the other girls. That you can't be the only one" he looks up and sees my face.

"Oh ok" I guess.

"I'm sorry Annabeth but how about we come up with a signal so whenever we will met here and talk."

"Thats a great idea."

We spend the next thirty minutes brainstorming what the sign should be.

"How about I tug my ear" Percy says.

"Thats a great idea subtle and won't make anyone question it."I say.

I look at the clock and curse my self.

I've been gone for 2 hours Piper will be worried.

"I'm sorry Percy bur I have to go I told Piper 2 hours ago I'll be right back" I say heading towards the door.

"Ok if you need anything just pull" he says doing it.

I smile and head out the tunnel.

Once I come out I quickly head to the my room to find a frustrated Piper and concerned Selina.

"Hi guys" I say getting to my door.

"Where have you been 2 hours ago you said you would be right back and you weren't I was worried" Piper says on the verge of tears.

"I'm so so sorry I was at the library and lost track of time" I say lying.

"I told you we should have checked there" Selina says. 

"Ok just next time tell me if your going to be late, also you missed lunch but I could get a maid to bring you something." Piper says.

"Oh no thanks I had something at the library" I say remembering I ate some chicken Percy had in  our spot. 

"Well then I'll see you later" Piper says walking away waving.

That night at dinner Queen Sally made an announcement that this Saturday we would have a Black and White Ball.

I tugged my ear quickly looking at Percy and he did the same.

I smiled knowing that it worked.

After dinner I quickly walked down the hallways twisting and turning until I got to "our place".

I went through the tunnel and waited in the room.

I heard footsteps coming down the tunnel and saw Percy emerge from the darkness.

"Whats up you tugged" He said joking around.

I smiled "I just wanted to make sure it worked and to ask you if you will be in attendance at the ball."

"Sadly I won't be this is for the queen, princesses, selected and some special guest." He says smiling.

I think for a moment and shout "THE HUNTERS" I say.

He shakes his head laughing.

Even though I wouldn't join there group I was still great friends with them.

Thalia was thinking of joining them and Zoë was going to give up her seat as lieutenant for her.

"This is going to be great" I say and give him a big hug.

We crawl out of the tunnel together and give each other a hug before heading back to our rooms.

I have a sneaking suspicion he is watching me as I walk to my room.

I turn and see I was right.

When he sees that I notice he blushes bright red and I smile as I turn the corner.

I fall asleep smiling thinking of how great he is and hoping one day he will be mine.

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