10 - Revenge

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The second leak put me even further behind schedule for the new album. Even though the deadline had been extended, the professional in me wasn't ready to accept defeat just yet. But creatively I was running on empty. Mentally I was exhausted. Lowering my head to the soundboard, I leaned my forehead on the edge.

"Ya alright man?" Tyrese asked.

"Just tired," I mumbled. "Let's take a break."

"No problem," he nodded, pulling his phone out and shooting off a text. Then he rose and left the room.

After standing and stretching, I headed up to my office. Flopping on the couch, I closed my eyes. When my phone started to ring, I groaned. Nat again. Briefly I thought about sending it to voicemail. Then I'd have to call her back later. Better to just get it over with. 

"Nat I can't talk. I'm busy."

"This has gone far enough Marshall," Natalie said. "Either we get back together right now or you'll regret it."

My lips quirked in a smile. "I already regret it babe. You don't need to do shit."

"I mean it," she said. "What's your answer?"

Sighing I rubbed my forehead. "We're not getting back together Nat. I'm sorry."

"I can't believe I wasted so much time with you!" she yelled. "Good thing it wasn't all the time."

What was she talking about?

"You are beyond dumb," Nat continued. "Do you have any idea how many times I cheated while we were together?"

What the fuck? I sat up on the couch. "You said it was one time – "

"More like once a week, " she taunted. "And I'm glad I did! Since you turned out to be such a loser."

"Who?" I demanded, standing and starting to pace. She'd never told me the guy's name. Now that it wasn't just one time, I needed to know. "Who'd you fuck?"

"Too many to list now since you're sooo busy," Nat laughed. "But I know how you love pics. So here's a couple for you."

"You fucking bitch!" I screamed into the phone but she'd already hung up. My phone dinged announcing text messages.

Opening the text messages I saw a half dozen pictures of Nat in compromising positions with headless men that weren't me. My blood pressure skyrocketed as I flipped through the pictures. One showed a black man's fingers sporting an Ace of Spades tattoo squeezing her breast while Nat grinned. Another showed a white man's hand slapping her ass while she looked back over her shoulder and smiled. And on and on.

The bitch! All those times she accused me of cheating, she'd been the one stepping out. And not just with one man. Multiple men had been sampling my pussy. She'd played me for a fool.

"Fuck!" I screamed. All women were fucking sluts. You couldn't trust any of 'em. They'd spread their legs for any guy that came along.

My assistant poked her head into my office, asking if everything was okay. Reigning in my rage, I turned to her.

"I'm taking the afternoon off. Personal matter," I said through clenched teeth. She nodded and hurriedly shut the door.

I went down to the parkade and headed to Nat's place. I was gonna get some answers and wring that bitch's neck. My hands tightened on the steering wheel. Part of my mind screamed no, it wasn't a good idea when I was beyond furious.

Pulling into a random parking lot, I scrubbed my hands over my face and tried to think. I had too much to lose and that bitch wasn't worth going to jail over. How could she do this to me? I loved her! I hit the steering wheel in frustration, blinking away angry tears. So where to? Back to the office? Home? The gym? Or ... Callie had a big case coming up and was working from home this week. Yeah she'd do.

Banging on the door, I barged in. Callie looked up from the dining room table where she had papers and files spread out.

"Marshall? What's wrong?" she asked, rising from the chair.

Grabbing her arm I dragged her into the bedroom and shoved her towards the bed. "Take off your clothes."

"I can't do this right now. I'm working!" Callie said.

An object on the night stand drew my attention and I almost laughed. It was too perfect. All women really were sluts. Walking over, I picked up the blue vibrator. It was two-pronged, one long prong meant to be inserted into the pussy while the shorter prong remained outside to stimulate the clit. Turning it over in my hands, I looked at Callie raising an eyebrow.

"You use this a lot slut?

She raised her chin. "Sometimes."

"Show me," I ordered and tossed her the vibrator.

Callie caught it but looked uneasy. "I don't think ... I need to get back to work."

"Don't make me repeat myself bitch," I threatened, pulling off my shirt and dumping my jewelry in a pile on the dresser.

She set the vibrator down and shook her head. Once naked, I stalked towards her and began removing her clothes, ripping anything that resisted.

"On the bed," I ordered. Slowly she backed away from me and sat in the middle of the bed.

Grabbing the vibrator, I pushed her onto her back and knelt beside her. Flicking it on and turning it to max, I pushed the vibrating tip into her mouth. "Do you use it here?" I asked. Callie's eyes were wide as she shook her head.

Pulling it out, I moved it lower and held it against her nipple. "What about here?" After watching her breast jingle, I moved the vibrator lower and placed it directly on her clit.

"Or do you always use it here?" I asked as she gasped, arching her back at the sudden sensation. Holding it steady, I watched her squirm. "You whores are all the same. Anything for an orgasm. Doesn't matter from who. Or what."

She cried out as she came. I felt the wetness increase between her legs. But I didn't move the vibrator away.

"Like that slut? Want more? Here we go," I taunted, knowing she was most sensitive right after an orgasm. It wouldn't take long for her to build again.

Callie looked up at me in surprise, then closed her eyes as the stimulation took over. After a minute, her thighs clenched and she came again.

"Fucking whore," I said, still not moving the vibrator off her clit.

"No. No, Marshall. Not again. Please!" she begged. "I can't!"

"Sure you can. Sluts like you take all the orgasms they can get," I said, pressing my forearm over her chest as she tried to wriggle away.

"No please ... Oh!" she cried out as she succumbed again.

Finally moving the vibrator off her clit, I lay it on the bed. Scooping up some of her cum, I covered my cock in it. Then I inserted the vibrator into her pussy and positioned the shorter prong over her clit. Callie moaned at the return of the stimulation.

Grabbing her hand, I place it over the vibrator to hold it in place. "Keep it here," I ordered, then  flipped her over, flat on her stomach.

"What ...?" Callie murmured, trying to look back at me.

"Sluts always want multiple dicks. That's what Imma give you," I muttered, forcing the tip of my dick into her ass.

She gasped and I paused, reminding myself to enter slowly. Carefully I leaned forward, pushing in inch by inch. When my dick was fully inserted into her ass, I stilled. The tightness around my cock was amazing, plus I could feel the vibrations from her pussy.

"Fuuuck," I exhaled, then began to slowly move in and out. I wasn't going to last long with all the sensations.

"It's ... I ..." Callie stammered and I froze mid-thrust. "Don't stop!" she yelped.

I continued thrusting into her, my dick throbbing. She moaned, then cried out as she came so hard I felt her tremble beneath me. Moving faster now, I slammed into her. As I felt my own orgasm take hold, I pulled out and shot reams of cum over her ass as pleasure shook my body. 

Empty and exhausted, I flopped back onto the bed. Beside me, Callie shifted and must have turned the vibrator off because the buzzing stopped.

"Give me a minute," I panted into the silence.

When my breathing slowed and my legs felt steady enough, I went to the bathroom and wet a hand towel. Kneeling beside Callie, I wiped up the cum. When she was clean, I turned her onto her back and gently pulled the vibrator out. She didn't resist, laying still with her eyes closed. She looked shattered. I dumped the vibrator and towel in the bathroom and climbed back into bed. Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep.

Some time later a noise startled me awake and I looked over to see Callie asleep next to me. Glancing at the wall clock I saw it was still afternoon and my eyes closed again. The next time I woke I was alone in the bed. Sated and peaceful, I stretched. My limbs felt heavy and relaxed. Resisting the urge to go back to sleep, I got up and dressed.

Padding out to the living room I found Callie curled on the couch watching TV. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. I knew I should leave and glanced towards the front door. Then I sat down in the armchair and put my feet up on the coffee table.

We finished watching an episode of the Golden Girls in silence and Netfilx advised we had 45 second till the next episode began. My phone rang and I pulled it out to check the caller ID. Nat. My lip curled in disgust as I turned the phone to silent mode and threw it onto the table.

Callie watched me. "Wanna talk about it?"

I looked back at the TV. "Nope."

"Want something to drink?"

"Yeah actually. That would be great. Whatever soda you got," I nodded.

Callie got up and went to the kitchen. I noticed she was walking oddly. When she returned, she handed me a diet Coke and settled back on the couch with her bottle of water.

"Uh, I'm...," I cleared my throat nervously. "I'm sorry if I was too rough. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Callie grinned. "Not gonna lie, that was pretty intense. I've never cum like that before."

Relieved, I smiled back. Then the next episode began.

"Blanche is a harsh slut," I observed.

"Why? Because she's a woman who enjoys sex? Nothing wrong or slutty about that," Callie said.

"Of course you'd say that," I muttered, rolling my eyes. One slut standing up for another.

"Why is it okay for men to enjoy sex but not women?" she asked. I shrugged, not having an answer. But I knew all about sluts. 

Throughout my phone buzzed against the table, announcing calls and texts. I ignored them all, relishing the calm here.

When the episode ended, Callie looked over at me. "If you're not leaving, want some pizza? I'm hungry."

"Yeah. Pizza would be good," I nodded. "Pepperoni."

She ordered from her phone and had it delivered. We ate and watched TV, mostly in silence but joking occasionally. I knew I should go, but couldn't make myself leave the comfortable atmosphere. Knowing hurt and anger would dominate my thoughts at home.

When Callie's eyes started to droop, I finally rose. "I should go," I said.

She walked with me to the door and I pulled her into a quick hug. "Thank you," I whispered, then hurried out. 

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