23 - Expose

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I woke Saturday morning to my phone blowing up with messages from concerned friends. Rolling over in bed, I grabbed it from the night stand and searched for Nat's story. Wasn't hard to find, as it was already trending everywhere.

I began to read the article accompanied by screen shots of my phone log with Josie's number highlighted.

"Ex-girlfriend of rap superstar Eminem says he cheated constantly on her with escorts!

Natalie Lambert says she met Eminem, real name Marshall Mathers, eight years ago at a party she attended with her then husband. The two hit it off, exchanged numbers and stayed in touch. When Natalie's marriage ended, the rapper swooped in and they began a relationship.

Natalie says Mathers was sweet, loving and great with her three young children. After more than six years together, she believed this was the man she'd spend the rest of her life with. Until she discovered he'd been having sex with escorts.

"Obviously I was hurt beyond belief," Natalie said. "And I couldn't help but think: 'is it me? Am I not enough for him?'" But the brunette beauty put aside her self doubts because she "loved him like crazy. I begged him for a reason, wanting to understand why, to see if we could repair things." Natalie even suggested therapy to Mathers, who flatly refused. She tried to save their relationship but Mathers continued to visit escorts, paying for sex.

"He promised to stop, but he lied. When I found the service's number twice in his recent call log, I ended things. I can't have someone like that around my kids. As much as I love him." Natalie provided screenshots of the rapper's calls as proof of his indiscretions. While blurring Mathers' number here for privacy, we did confirm with sources that it is his number and the screenshots have not been doctored.

When asked why she's gone public with this story, Natalie teared up. "I want him to understand what he's doing is wrong and get help. He doesn't need to pay for sex when there are people who love him.

We reached out to Mathers' representatives for comment but did not hear back.

"Fucking bullshit!" I swore. 

Scrolling down I began to read the online comments. While a few people defended me, saying it couldn't be true, most condemned me. To them, this was just the latest evidence I was a misogynist who hated and used women.

Ready to explode, I forced myself to put down the phone and breath.

Getting up, I headed straight for my home gym. With the stereo blasting Beastie Boys, I attacked the heavy bag. Rage over Nat's blatant lies fueling punch after punch. I didn't let up until sweat poured down my body. Yanking my shirt off, I used it to wipe my face and chest.

Exhausted, I shut off the music and checked my phone. More messages from friends asking what was going on. I opened and read the one message from Paul.

     P: Counter story released

Fucking finally!

I clicked the link he'd sent.

Spurned ex-girlfriend of rap superstar Eminem attempts smear campaign!

Recently Natalie Lambert spoke to news agencies about her relationship with Marshall Mathers and accused him of cheating with escorts. While the rapper has kept his relationships private over the last decade, he is refuting Ms. Lambert's accusations through his publicist, Dennis Dennehy.

Dennehy confirms that Mathers and Lambert had an on-and-off again relationship spanning several years. However, Mathers ended the relationship for good more than six months ago. At which time he began dating current girlfriend Callie Walker.

Walker is a well-respected lawyer with Steele, Harris & Vance LLP. She and Mathers met when she was hired to consult with the Marshall Mathers Foundation. Sources say things between the two are serious and Mathers planned to make their relationship public next month, when Walker attended the MTV Music Video Awards show with him.

Dennehy says Mathers has never slept with escorts nor paid for sex. Lambert's accusations are a ridiculous attempt to get back at the rapper for dumping her and moving on.

Accompanying the story were photos of Callie and I playing mini golf that Denaun must have taken. In one I had my arm slung around her shoulders while she smiled up at me. Running my finger lightly over Callie's face on the screen, I made a note to ask Naunie for a copy of the pic. I didn't have any of Callie and I together.

I didn't know if it was seeing Callie or knowing the counter story was out, but I felt better and headed upstairs to shower.

As the water ran over my body, my thoughts returned to the two different stories. How different perception could be from reality.

My girlfriend of seven years cheated constantly and sold me out to the media in order to ruin me. While the girl I'd decided was a slut had been down for me since the beginning, even when I didn't deserve it.

At the meeting yesterday, I'd wanted to ask Callie for another chance. But Paul intervened, suggesting I speak with my kids and prepared them for Nat's story. He was absolutely right and I'd left without talking further to Callie.

Toweling dry, I stared at the post-it note stuck to the mirror. Then dressed quickly. Now that both stories were out of the way, it was time to focus on what really matter. I needed to finally set things right with Callie.

My foot was heavy against the accelerator as I drove. Thoughts of holding her again and how good her lips would feel overwhelmed me.

As I pulled onto the street and approached her house, I saw Callie standing out front with another dark-haired woman. It almost looked like ... Oh fuck!

Screeching to a stop in the driveway, my SUV had barely stopped moving before I was out and running. Just as Nat flew at Callie. "No!"

Amidst Nat's flying hair and scratching nails, Callie threw a wicked gut punch that sent Nat staggering backwards.

I stepped between the two women, facing Nat and shielding Callie. "Stop it Nat!"

"You!" She shrieked. "I hate you! You made me look pathetic!"

"No you did that all on your own," Callie snorted.

Nat charged forward, trying to get at Callie. I shoved her back.

This toxic bitch. She'd lied to the world about me and now she was trying to hurt Callie. I hated her. Rage rose in me as my fists clenched.

"You're just his latest whore!" Nat sneered. "He'll dump you and come back to me. He always does."

"Not if you were the last bitch on earth," I spat.

"This is all her fault!" Nat screamed and charged at Callie again, clawing at my arms as I grabbed her.

"Stop it!" I shouted as my hands tightened on her arms. Nat winced in pain and I felt a rush of satisfaction. I shook her hard, snapping her head back and forth. Every part of me fixated on Nat, wanting to hurt her, make her pay. She deserved it.

Then I felt Callie's hand softly on my back and the world came back into focus. This bitch wasn't worth the consequences. I forced myself to release Nat.

I needed her gone before I did something I'd regret. "Fuck off cunt."

Breathing hard, Nat glared at Callie, then me. "Why do you even want her?" Nat demanded, flipping her dark hair back. "I'm so much hotter."

"Because I'm not bat-shit crazy," Callie said, causing Nat to charge again.

After pushing her back, I glanced over my shoulder at Callie. "Not helping babe."

Callie smiled and shrugged.

"Enough! Either you leave or I'm calling security to drag you away," I said. "If you're lucky, you'll make the news again."

Nat glared at me as she considered my threat. Then she whirled around and stomped back to her car. I sighed in relief and followed Callie into the house.

"Maybe you should move in with me temporarily," I said, shutting the door behind me.

Callie laughed. It wasn't meant to be funny.

"I'm serious! It would be safer. I have monitored security," I argued. "Just until things calm down."

Callie stopped in the entrance way and turned to face me. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because we're not together!" she said, motioning between us. "This isn't real."

"It was real once," I said.

"Was it? Because I remember you saying quite the opposite. On more than one occasion," Callie said.

"I'm sorry," I said, moving closer and running a hand down her arm. "For taking so long to see it. You're not a slut."

"Thank you," Callie said, stepping back and crossing her arms over her chest. "Now go home."

"What? No. I'm saying I want you back Callie," I said. "For real this time."

"No," Callie said and pointed to the door.

I frowned. What the fuck? She clearly didn't understand and no way was I leaving before we'd sorted this shit out. I walked past Callie into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"By all means, make yourself at home," Callie said. "Some things don't change."

I ignored her sarcasm. After a moment, Callie sighed and flopped down on the other sofa. Flicking the TV on, she found a sitcom rerun and we watched in silence for a while.

"So that was Nat," Callie said. "No wonder you wanted an escort. Safer."

I laughed. "Yeah. I used to be fucking stupid. Then I dumped her."

"Congratulations. You got a brain."

"I get brain? You offering to suck my dick?" I said, cupping myself through my jeans. "Anytime you want baby."

"In your dreams," Callie said, rolling her eyes.

"You do much more than suck dick in my dreams," I smirked.

"Pervert," Callie laughed and I shrugged. She wasn't wrong.

Callie looked over at me. "I missed this."

"I missed you. Can we talk about us? Please?" I asked. She didn't answer, instead turning back to the TV. I decided to forge ahead. "I'm sorry. And I'll do anything to fix it. Please, give me a chance to make it up to you."

"I ..." Callie started, then stopped. "I'm hurt."

"I'm sorry," I said again but she didn't respond.

I'd assumed since she agreed to the fake relationship that we'd also get back together. Fear crept in as I realized for the first time there was a big difference between 'helping out' and 'being with' someone. Maybe she only wanted me cleared in public, but didn't want me back in her private life. We might really be over.

Desperation filled me but I didn't know what to say. Licking my lips, I waited for Callie to speak. It seemed an eternity.

Callie sighed. "There's so much going on right now. It's not a good time to make decisions. Let's keep things simple and pretend for now. At least until your scandal's over. Then we'll see."

I didn't like it, but it was fair. And a hell of a lot better than no. Afraid she'd change her mind if I pushed my luck, I nodded and stood to go.

Callie rose too and frowned as she looked out the front window. "I think there's people in my driveway," she said.

"Reporters," I said, noting the cameras. "Are you sure you won't come stay with me?"

"I'm sure. How are you going to slip away without being seen?" Callie asked, following me to the door.

"I'm not," I shrugged. "We're the hot new couple, remember? They already guessed I'd be here."

I opened the door, then paused and turned back with a smirk. "And they expect me to say a proper goodbye to my girlfriend," I said, pulling her to me.

"Fake girlfriend," Callie whispered as her arms wrapped around my waist.

"They don't know that. Gotta make it look it good," I murmured as I leaned down to kiss her. Behind us, cameras clicked and flashes exploded.

The kiss was gentle at first but quickly grew into more. My tongue pushed past her lips as I claimed her mouth. Callie's nails scratched over my back. I grabbed her ass and ground her against me. She broke the kiss, moaning softly.

We stared at each other, breathing hard. Callie brought a hand up, smoothing my beard. Nothing about this felt fake.

"I could stay ..." I murmured.

"That's not a good idea," Callie said and stepped back. "Good night Marshall."

It was a fucking fantastic idea and I thought with a few more kisses I could make her agree. Instead, I nodded and left.

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