25 - Victory

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After Dickwad's takedown, I didn't see a lot of Callie. She kept her distance and I didn't know how to fix things between us. It felt like the upcoming trip to New York for the awards show might be my last chance.

The thought of losing her forever kept me awake at night. Desperately my mind replayed everything, searching for a clue. She said she wanted time and respect. It'd been almost two months since we'd been together so she'd had plenty of time. And I'd admitted she wasn't a slut so she had respect too. Why weren't we back together already?

Sitting next to Paul in the first-class lounge, I looked around again. My leg jiggled nervously. The flight to New York left soon.

"Stop it," Paul said. "She'll be here."

I nodded but didn't relax until I saw Callie enter the lounge. Her hair was pulled back from her face and she wore little, if any makeup. I could see the light freckles across her nose. But my eyes were drawn down to the yoga pants she wore, leaving little to the imagination. That ass!

Callie smiled and sat down beside Paul. They chatted easily and it pissed me off. When the flight was called, I slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"What are you doing?" Callie frowned.

"We're in public," I growled, then kissed her.

Callie pulled away. "I hardly think your security and a couple airport people count as public."

She turned and followed Paul onto the plane. Sighing I trailed after her. Guess we wouldn't be joining the mile high club.

The flight passed without incident and upon landing, we were driven straight to the hotel.

Paul waved and headed to his room, while the manager led the way to our suite. I waited while he put our bags in the bedroom, then tipped and pushed him out the door. I wanted to be alone with Callie.

"Where am I staying?" Callie asked, looking around.

"Here," I said, flopping down on the couch. "With me."

"There's only one bedroom."

"Yeah. And?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Callie crossed her arms. "You couldn't have gotten a suite with two rooms?"

"I could have. But why would I? As far as the world's concerned, you're my girlfriend. Gotta keep up appearances."

Callie sat down on the far end of the couch. "So that's it? You just expect me to sleep with you?"

"Not expecting," I grinned. "Hoping."

Ignoring me, she settled back into the couch and pulled her phone out. Grabbing the remote, I began flicking through the channels to hide my annoyance.

What was her problem? We'd slept together before. This wasn't how I expected the trip to go.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

Callie shrugged and continued scrolling through her phone. Gritting my teeth, I tried to remain calm. Putting on a movie, I leaned back and thought about what to do next. She briefly looked up at the TV before turning back to her phone. My temper was rising.

"Am I boring you? Cause I can fix that," I threatened.

"Just making the best of the situation," Callie said.

"What the fuck?" I sat up. "You don't want to be here? Then fuckoff."

Callie sighed. "I agreed to appear at the awards show tomorrow. I'll see this through."

"Don't do anything you don't wanna do on my account," I snapped.

"Really? Cause I thought that's how you like it," Callie shot back.

I paused as her meaning sunk in. "That's only one way, baby. There's many, many more things I'd like to do to you." I licked my lips and let my eyes travel down her body.

Callie shook her head and stood. I thought for a moment she was leaving, but she headed for the mini bar instead. She dumped water, pop and snacks on the coffee table and went back to grab a couple hotel glasses.

"Once upon a time, those would have been mixers," I grumbled.

"You probably destroyed up a few hotel suites in your day too," Callie said and I nodded. "Too bad you're old now."

"I'm sober, not old. Plenty of stamina left to tear your ass up," I grunted, reaching for a pop.

"You ever play that drinking game where you bounce quarters off the table and tried to get it into the glass?" Callie asked.

"Quarters? Hell no, you rich bitch. We played with pennies in Detroit."

Callie laughed and pulled one of the glasses to the centre of the table. "Let's see what you got gramps."

I dug in my pocket and found a quarter. Lining up a shot, I bounced the coin off the table and hit the rim of the glass.

"Huh. I remember it being easier."

"Surprised you remember anything at all from that time," Callie said, grabbing the quarter and preparing her own shot. The coin bounced and missed the glass entirely.

"You were saying?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"So I'm a little rusty," she shrugged.

We took turns trying to bounce the coin into the glass and missing.

"I can't play with a fucking quarter," I said, digging in my pocket for a penny. But the change of coin denomination didn't help. We both continued to miss the glass.

"Apparently you can't play with a penny either," Callie said.

"How was this so easy when I was fuck faced?" I complained.

"Maybe we need some motivation since we don't get to drink if we get it in," Callie suggested.

"Like what?"

"I dunno. Some kind of reward, or food or a bet."

"What would the stakes be?" I asked, suddenly interested in where this was going.

Callie shrugged. "How about ... If I win, you have to use 'discombobulated' or some equally ridiculous word of my choosing in a song."

"Done," I nodded. "If I win, you clean my house naked for a year."

"No," Callie rolled her eyes. "Pick something else. More reasonable."

"Fine. You tattoo my name across your chest."

"Something less permanent."

"Okay. We fuck."

"Come on. Be serious," Callie said.

"I am. Exes have sex all the time. No big deal," I shrugged, playing it cool.

But I wanted back in her pussy any way I could. And once there, I'd make sure she never wanted me to leave. My dick stirred at the thought of sliding back into her.

Callie hesitated.

"If you're afraid you'll lose, I guess I can choose something else," I sighed, then clucked like a chicken. Her chin came up as I knew it would. This girl never backed down.

"Fine. First one to ten. Let the games begin."

Callie took her time, carefully lining up her first shot. It bounced off the table and into the glass. "One - nothing," she announced proudly, pulling her quarter from the glass.

I nodded and took my shot. Missing the glass entirely. "Motherfucker!"

Callie laughed and prepared to take her turn. Glancing over at the TV, I saw the movie was still on. I had no idea what was happening, but the woman slapped the dude and screamed 'your words mean nothing!' then stalked off.

"Your turn," Callie said, drawing my attention back to the game. From her tone, I knew she'd missed. Grabbing the quarter off the table, I took my shot and missed again.

"Still one-nothing," I said. "Gonna be a long game to ten."

Callie repositioned the glass slightly, then practiced aiming.

My mind returned to the words from the movie with a weird feeling of deja vu. Hadn't Callie said something similar?

Thinking back, I remembered the confrontation with Dickwad. She'd said words meant nothing when actions contradict them. The more popular quote was actions speak louder than words. Huh.

"Earth to Marshall," Callie waved a hand in front of my face. "Your turn. Unless you want to concede?"

"Sorry. What's the score?" I asked.

"Two-nothing," Callie smiled. "You're losing!"

Nodding, I took my shot and missed. Callie laughed and stretched her fingers, setting up for her shot.

But I barely noticed as my mind continued to whirl with new thoughts. I'd apologized to Callie, sure. But did my actions back that up?

Callie missed her shot and robotically I took mine. The coin bounced into the glass.

"Two-one," she announced with a frown, before lining up her next shot.

I thought back over the last month. After apologizing, I'd asked Callie to lie for me, then forced her into a role she wasn't entirely comfortable with. I groaned.

"That's right!" Callie laughed. "Three-one. Your turn. Let's see what you got rap boy."

Not happy with the direction of my thoughts, I grabbed the quarter and bounced it half-assed. It clinked against the rim and dropped into the glass. Three-two.

The game continued as the score rose closer to ten. But I wasn't interested in winning any longer, even as I pulled ahead. The thoughts in my head were too loud.

"Nine-seven for you," Callie said.

Nodding, I reached for a coin. Flicking the quarter, it bounced and sailed into the glass.

Neither of us moved. We just sat staring at the glass.

"You won," Callie said finally.

Looking up at her, I searched for a clue as to how she felt about that. But her face was unreadable.

"I did," I nodded, keeping my face blank as well.

"So ..." Callie glanced towards the bedroom. "Am I paying up now or later?"

Thoughts roared in my head as I considered my answer. I wanted to say now. It would be so easy to say now. But then what?

This trip was my last claim on Callie. Once we flew back to Detroit, she never had to see me again. If I wanted to make my actions count, it had to be now.

But what if it didn't work? I'd lose my last chance to fuck Callie. And wind up with nothing. It was a gamble.


I looked over at Callie and made my decision. As much as I wanted her now, I wanted her back more.

Standing, I walked over and pulled Callie to her feet. She raised her chin, giving me access to her lips. Lowering my mouth, I kissed her. Then stepped back.


"What?" Callie asked.

Needing to put some space between us, I walked back to the sofa and sat down.

"I won't ever collect on that bet because I'm done forcing you to be with me. I told you I was sorry. Now I'm showing you."

Callie said nothing as she studied me. After a long moment she sat down next tome. "I don't understand," she said. "Suddenly you don't want me?"

I laughed. "I want you so fucking much my dick hurts. But it's got to be your decision this time."

Callie ran a hand up my thigh. I caught it in mine before she reached my dick. She looked up at me. "And if I want to fuck?"

"We can talk about it."

"Just talk?" Callie asked, tilting her head. "What happened to exes have sex all the time?"

"This isn't a game to me Callie. I'm not playing around. We start fucking again it's because we're together. That's it."

"Don't you think it's easier, better if we keep things fake?"

"No. I don't," I said. "You've been the realest thing in my life for a while, I was just too caught up to see it. But my eyes are open now."

Callie sat back, staring at me.

"I'm sorry for thinking you were a slut," I said. "Nothing you did was wrong. You had every right to have sex with whoever you wanted. I'm just glad it was with me. And I want you. For real."

Callie grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me to her. Her lips met mine in a bruising kiss. I felt her hands push under my t-shirt, nails scraping against my skin.

A growl escaped my throat as I pulled her hair, forcing her to look up at me. "Is that a yes?"

Callie nodded.

"Yeah? Who do you belong to?" I asked, pulling her hair harder.

"You," she smiled. "Now about those things you wanted to do to me ..."

So many things! But if she was my girl now, I couldn't fuck her like a whore. Could I?

Callie must have seen my hesitation. She leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "I'm not a whore. But I love being your slut," she purred, before nipping my ear lobe.

Standing abruptly, I yanked Callie to her feet. My lips slammed down on hers in a fierce kiss while her words echoed in my head – she was my slut. Mine.

Desperate to have her naked, I pulled the t-shirt over Callie's head. It caught on her ponytail and I swore.

"If you wanna keep these clothes, lose 'em before I rip them off," I ordered.

Callie laughed as she removed her shirt and bra. My dick jumped as her breasts sprang free. I resisted the urge to pound into her. I wanted to enjoy this. And make sure she did too.

Wrapping a hand around each breast, I sucked one nipple, then the other while my hands squeezed and massaged. Callie gasped as her fingernails dug into my shoulders. Pushing her tits together, I sucked both nipples at once before biting them gently. She moaned.

Placing little kisses up her chest and neck, I moved back to her mouth. As the kiss intensified, my hands slipped into her pants and began tugging them down. Breaking for air, she grabbed my t-shirt and tugged it off.

I shoved Callie and she fell back onto the sofa. I yanked the yoga pants the rest of the way off and threw them. As Callie watched me, I dropped to my knees. Spreading her legs wide, I moved in between. I could already see the wetness on her lips.

"You want me baby?" I asked.

"Not really," she shrugged.

"Liar," I said, smothering a laugh. Running a finger over her slit coated it easily. I held up the evidence.

"What are you going to do about it?" she asked.

Without breaking eye contact, I slowly lowered my head. Then my mouth went to work. And I didn't stop until there were scratches down my back and Callie lay breathless.

Getting to my feet, I stretched and considered. Did I want to fuck her here over the couch? Or move us to the bedroom? She didn't look like she'd be standing anytime soon so couch it was.

"Imma get a rubber. Don't move," I ordered and started towards the bedroom.

"I got an IUD," Callie said.

I froze mid-step as her words sunk in.

"No condom?" I asked. "You sure?"

"You meant it? This is a real relationship?" Callie asked.


"Then I'm sure," Callie smiled.

I sprinted back as Callie knelt on the sofa and wiggled her ass in the air. I smacked it hard enough to leave a mark and moved behind her. Grabbing my dick, I positioned it at her pussy. I could already feel her heat. One push would put me where I wanted to be.

Callie pressed back and my tip slid in.

"Oh fuck," I groaned, before thrusting all the way in.

It was even better than I'd imagined. Her tight pussy rubbed the length of my shaft, almost feeling like a fist. My thrusts were rapid and brutal because I wasn't going to last long.

"Cum for me baby," I begged through gritted teeth.

When her orgasm began, I gasped. The tightening sensation that enveloped my dick was unreal. Ecstasy overtook my body as cum exploded into Callie.

Closing my eyes I slumped forward, wrapping my arms around Callie.

After winning the categories in which I'd been nominated, the award show seemed to drag on endlessly. Around us people turned and chatted during the commercial break. I slumped lower in my seat, my hand firmly on Callie's thigh.

"You wanna fuck backstage?" I asked, only half joking.

"No. I want to watch the show," Callie said.

"Then you shouldn't have worn that dress," I grumbled.

"Guess what?" Callie smiled before leaning over and whispering in my ear. "Your slut isn't wearing anything under this dress."

My dick hardened as her words sank in. Callie never failed to surprise me. For the first time, I was excited to see where a relationship went. Short term, I knew where we were going.

"Hope you enjoyed the show. Cause we're leaving," I said, pulling out my phone out and calling for the car.


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