26- You Are A Human

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How much story is left?
I mean technically not that much like one arc left and that's it. In my head I'm thinking like five chapters but it honestly depends how much I write per chapter

I need help, can't stop listening to 'Heather'
Bakugou POV

"God damnit, for the fifth time Todoroki, you can not come with me!" he's been asking ever since breakfast if he could join me to go to the doctors for the examination but I've literally been telling him no. He's still worried about the whole Sero thing but it's already been two days so it should be settled.


Ugh! Why must you beg like this?!

"Fine, you could only take me there, but that's it." I'm hoping this would help shut him up, it's not that I mind his presence, but the whole point of him not coming is to protect him from becoming one of those research subjects the government tried to hide but obviously does.

This seems to cheer his mood up, his entire vibe changed from literal depression to pure joy. Disgusting.

I leave the house with a happy Todoroki following behind me, it's not his usual mood or at least it's never as noticeable as today. Something changed him, wonder what.

I get in his car, this thing is going to get some attention from his fans but this is all we really have to drive, damn him and his money. Then again, I literally live on his money so I guess bless it then,

"I've been thinking about something lately, Bakugou." He says as he gets into the road, he doesn't bother on even taking a glance at me when he spoke, not that it matters anyway.

What's he gonna say? Don't tell me he's going to second guess this whole thing and leave me on the streets!

"I would never do such a thing to you, it's just...something I've been meaning to say for a while now and it's getting hard to hold it in now." Didn't know there was such a thing in this world this man can't do, a rich model vampire with a deadbeat father, that's not something you see everyday.

He doesn't continue from there, he just stays silent, "Why, what are ya gonna say?" Better say it soon before I lose interest in it.

His grip on the wheel gets tighter, must be nervous maybe it's a dark secret or something. "I...li..never mind, it's nothing."

I groan, "You got me curious for this bullshit." What was he going to say, I hate it when people just get my curiosity peaked but then just drop it like that.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience of this, but I don't think I'm as ready as I had thought." Yeah okay, I'll believe you or whatever.

He dropped me off at the front doors of the hospital, can't believe I'm actually going to do this. I really did make myself a little suspicious when I said my parents and I cut ties, but I didn't think they'd go this far. But it is a murder case of my own family, usually the dead person's family would be depressed, so I did this to myself.


Shoto POV

I park my car to the spot I told Bakugou to meet at, it has well enough shading in order for me not to burn, but I do feel the stings of it still just slightly less painful.

I sigh, Bakugou has no signs of being a vampire so I have already predicted the results of the examination, but I can't help but think of how he could've faced murder charges. It is certainly a scary thought.

After Midoriya and I have come apart, I've only thought about Bakugou when I should be thinking about myself and how to recover from the agonizing pain from the break up. But it seems as though I have recovered from it as quickly as it came, it was perplexing to me.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora