9- Drunken Nights

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A yes, a Shindo chapter
Fucking finally
My bad for forgetting my Boi Shindo existed

Also, can I just sayI'm not one to speak politics nor am I religious in anywayBut May God Bless America***Bakugou POV

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Also, can I just say
I'm not one to speak politics nor am I religious in anyway
But May God Bless America
Bakugou POV

We are at the club, the music is loud as hell, I can barely hear what everyone is saying.

Right now, we're sitting at the island of the bar as we wait for our drinks. Kaminari and Shindo bought something strong meanwhile the rest of us went with something not too light but not too heavy. We all know those two are gonna end up drunk real quick.

"Oh, what a surprise, didn't expect to see you two ever again." Someone spoke from behind us.

We turn around only to see that man with purple hair from a few weeks ago. That guy who almost fucking killed me.

"You..." I mumble under my breath. This damn guy is getting on nerves and I've only met him once.

Kirishima and the others, besides Kaminari, looks confused about the guy.

Shindo POV

Who the hell is this guy?

I nudge Bakugou a bit and whispered, "How do you know him?" He looks like bad news, he smells like a vampire too.

Bakugou didn't answer me, instead it was the vampire, "So he didn't tell you about me? I'm sure the other blond knows me well." He said, looking at Kaminari in the eye.

"Just go away man, let's not start anything we won't have to." Kaminari seems mad, do these two have bad blood with each other? What does this have to do with Bakugou?

"I've never seen so many vampires be so protective of a human before. Of course, Kaminari here has his fair share of loving a human though."

Can this guy just shut the fuck up?

"I'll take my leave, I know when I'm not wanted."

Yeah you better leave.

Bakugou looks like he wants to ask what this guy was talking about but he stood silent. As he should. That is an extremely sensitive subject for Kaminari, we promised to never mention it again unless he himself does.

"Here are your drinks." The bartender says as he gives each of us our drinks.

(I'm a minor, idk shit about shots or what the names of drinks is so ima just call everything alcohol)

I take a shot of my alcohol, it burns my throat but the thrill was great. It didn't taste as strong as I thought it would, this is great!

"Hey, Bakugou, lemme try some of yours." I kinda want to compare how strong each are.

That definitely the reason why...

Not like I wanted an indirect kiss or anything...

He gave me his glass, the drink was was reddish pinkish and looks really good. I take a sip from the thin straw he has in it, it's a really light drink. But Bakugou is tiny so he's probably a lightweight.

(FYI everyone has their cannon height)

"It tastes great, you should try mine." Seeing a drunk Bakugou, while conscience this time, would be funny. He took my offer and I let him take a sip of mines.

His face scrunches up and he coughs for a few seconds, too strong I guess.

"Yours is nasty as hell, ew." He then goes back to drinking his own.

I mean, at least I got a 'kiss' out of it.


I smile to myself thinking about it. I know, I know, I'm a smooth guy. It's nothing to brag about.

Dabi, Kirishima, and Kaminari are talking amongst themselves, leaving only Bakugou and I alone. I have no doubt in my mind that they are trying to comfort Kaminari about what that guy brought up earlier.

"Wanna go dance?" I ask Bakugou, he already looks a little wasted, wow such a lightweight.

"That shit's stupid, the fuck." I see that his cursing increases when he's drunk.

Okay, so no dancing. That's fine, I'll just have to find another way to get us to spend some time together without the awkward silence between us. Well, as silent as it can get in a club.

I notice how Bakugou downed the rest of his drink, not that he had much left, but that was still too much to drink at once. He asks for another but I don't think he can really take it.

"I don't think that's a good—"

"Do I give two fucks about your opinion?"

Damn, I see how it is.

"Go ahead then, drink until you pass out." I encourage him, maybe he'd learn a lesson from drinking too much. I'll be right by his side all night so it's not like anybody would touch him or anything.

He does exactly what I said, he downs his new drink and it's easy to tell that he'll pass out soon.

"Umm...Bakugou, are you okay?" Kirishima asks him, I think he just noticed the condition the guy is in.

"I'm fucking fantastic bitch, don't under estimate me!" He said loudly, he needs a filter when he's drunk.

Deku POV

What Todoroki had told me earlier, I'm not sure how to feel about it. I really just want him to be happy but, a relationship with three people? I mean, I don't mind polyamorist  people, but it is not something I myself would want to do.

I'm not entirely sure of what to do with Todoroki knowing he feels that way towards someone else. I'll support him as best I can, but I'm really just left blank about it all.

"Is something bothering g you, Midoriya?" Todoroki asks me, we're watching a show on the while sitting on the couch.

"I'm fine, just thinking."


"Nothing important."

I lied, it is important, it's so important. But I can't just tell him what I'm thinking, it would hurt his feelings.

"Tell me when you want to talk about it, I'll be here."

"...yeah, okay.."

Making this chapter short
Because today is an important day for America
And I can honestly say I'm proud to be American
It's been a long four years

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ