25- ShindoKiriBaku Day 2

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Fun fact: Todoroki and Deku broke up after the festival, didn't write it cuz I'm lazy. But just a heads up.

Also sorry if I'm being too persistent about this but taking final votes, last time, you must name one ship, in can have at least two people with Bakugou, but that's the most I'll take

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Also sorry if I'm being too persistent about this but taking final votes, last time, you must name one ship, in can have at least two people with Bakugou, but that's the most I'll take. Do not say this or maybe that, I need specifics.
Bakugou POV

Today, thankfully enough, I did not wake up to Shindo's face in the morning. Instead though, it was a loud thump coming from the halls, at six in the morning. Great, the one day I actually wanted more sleep I get interrupted.

What are they doing anyway?

I come out of my room and spot a Kaminari on the floor, right, forgot they're technically only gone for six hours and not a literal two days.

"How's it going down there..?" I ask before the awkward silence gets any worse than it already is.

He stands up as fast as he could, almost tripping again while doing so. "I got the morning shift today, also because I forgot to lock doors after closing time so I gotta hurry!" He searches the living room for the keys to the cafe—I think—but I can obviously see them on him, I'm going to guess he forgot.

"Your pocket." I point out after a minute or so to help end his suffering. He yells a thank you before slamming the door closed, waking basically everyone else in the house.

Deku comes out rubbing his eyes sleepily, "Was thank Kaminari?" His voice was scratchy, he was tired still, obviously.

"Go back to sleep, stupid." I mumble at him, he doesn't listen to me though and goes and makes himself some cereal and a drink of fresh blood.

I can honestly say I'm still a little queazy thinking about how they take that stuff from other humans. Also the fact that some of them have bitten me multiple times doesn't help with that either. Surprise I'm still alive at this point.

Deku looks over shoulder from where he sat, "Aren't you going to eat, Katsuki?"

"Nah...I'm going to use the toilet." I seriously need some alone time after today.

Oh right, I need to make a doctors appointment for an examination that I already know the answer for. But if it's to save my own ass from possible jail time, might as well. Is it too early to call though?

Fuck it.

As I enter the bathroom, I turn on my phone and call my doctor, "Yes, this is Katsuki Bakugou, what's the earliest appointment you got? ....alright."

That went surprisingly smooth.

Okay, so I have an examination appointment tomorrow at three in the afternoon. Hopefully none of these guys try to force themselves to join me because that would be big trouble. They could get turn into the officials, can't have that happen.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat