17- Toro Nagashi Festival pt. 2

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I thought long and hard
And took the consideration from the people
Shinsou(if not yet confirmed from last chapter)
Is now apart of the harem
Yay *audience claps*

I thought long and hardAnd took the consideration from the peopleShinsou(if not yet confirmed from last chapter)Is now apart of the haremYay *audience claps*

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Last chapter was my favorite one to write
Kaminari POV;)

I held onto him tightly, I let my tears flow, his arms never returns the hug but I don't mind it. It must be shocking, having a vampire cry on your shoulder after stories being passed of us having no emotion.

"Well, this certainly took a turn." I hear that damned voice speak, with Bakugou still in my arms—despite him trying to leave—I turn my head to see Shinsou.

He doesn't bother hiding that smirk on his face, his eyes land on Bakugou, "Didn't I tell you to wear something under that? Looks like a pervert already gotten to you." He chuckles at his own joke.

Neither Bakugou or I found it funny, at least I don't think he did.

"Hey, Denki, did you tell him who I am yet? Or did I interrupt you when that part was coming."

Bakugou moves his head to look at me, "Is there something I don't know?"

"...Bakugou...this is Hitoshi Shinsou...my girlfriend's killer."

Shinsou glares down at us, he gets closer, I hide Bakugou behind me. He doesn't cooperate at all with this and stands next to me. I growl at Shinsou, this isn't the place for this, what is he even doing here anyway?!

"I thought a crowd like this would prove to be a good feast, no?"

Wait...he doesn't mean...


A women screaming can be heard near by, it was faint so human ears won't be able to hear it well unless it was completely silent. Which it isn't, the music is still playing in the background as people dance and sing and laugh. It would be near impossible for a normal person to hear the scream that came from that women.

I grab the collar of his yukata, "What are you planning?" He holds my wrist that grips tightly in the fabric of his clothes.

"I'm not planning anything, can't I let my friends have a good meal? A grieving human are when the blood taste the best."


"Kaminari!" Our group, including Mina, comes running over to us. Todoroki and Dabi stay near Bakugou, probably for his protection. Knowing that multiple rogue vampires are here is an unsettling thing, they can be anywhere.

"This guy again? Dude, are you a stalker?" Shindo asks which annoyance laced in his voice. He puts his hands to his hips.

"The majority of the time it was just a coincidence, seriously, but today..eh not so much."

Mina looks so confused right now, but she's acting braver than most girls right now. We're in a critical situation, many lives are at risk right now. Yet she's still here.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant