In The Media Zoo

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You could see a mass-murderer cry
on Good Morning Britain, on Sky.
For 75K deaths,
for frothed, strangled breaths,
himself off the hook? Tell me why.

The very first vaccine rolled out;*
historic pictures must shout:
aged eighty one
of Warwick the son
the needle approaches redoubt...

Well the old guy's called William Shakespeare.
You boggle and say, 'Get away with yer!'
Is that proof of a god?
Well, that god is so odd
to hand this stuff out to the media,

where the guest is that Matt Hancock ghoul,
a blundering, incompetent fool;
tens of thousands to Death
he's fed, stopped their breath,
the Butcher of Care Homes, Death's tool.

So there flowed the tears of a dick
enough to make anyone sick;
of his country he's proud,
he sniffles out loud,
though wrecking it all is his trick.

No crocodile, tiled in the Nile,
shed such transparent tears with a smile.
No Bafta for you,
a sick bucket will do,
and additional notes in the file.

*In England

A 90 year old grandmother in Northern Ireland was first, but this guy in England was called William Shakespeare ... so ....

Whatever the scientific reasons, the cabinet is relieved to have vaccines rolled out since they know they are mass-murdering bastards but they want it to stop. The extent of their own evil must be getting to them. They want to go back to normal, murdering people through the cold arm of the DWP and sanctions on welfare again, normal things like evictions and homelessness - which are still happening now during this Covid crisis. They want happy fluffy things like stealing more of the taxstream and institutions and selling them to their vulture chums. Got to feed the poor Consultants their millions - and there are so many of them in need etc etc There, you caught me ranting again.

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