Winter Trails

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Sigh and resile at such great shedding,
the ascetic fact of the bare, budded boughs
offering silhouettes against dissolving flare
or soft cloud-lid's grey humility,
                                                                 or where
there are spared leaves, they are pinned
                         or in leaf-print patterns thinned
indistinguishable from colluding skies -

and in wind they banner and dream wiles
of slipstream,
                          after tail-pipes roll them,
red blades spinning,
                                         yellow points thrum,
stuttering gutterwards agin the whimsy
of a flip-flop devil's 
                                       flapping lackadaisy.

And all that  show that held us in thrall
as (somehow) both audience and victim of it all,
has become what we dissolve in:
                                                          the rustling dusk
of it ruminates and chews over the day's husk.

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