Oaks and Light

115 18 32

Travelling out, great air-raking oaks,
(over ghosting, hawthorn, Tiggywinkle hedgerows)
boles lagged evergreen, ivied up to bough-spread;
some few holding in twig-tips a moiety of gold,
sparse perfection like the notes of a slow-movement -

and returning, blinded by white-gold sun-ball
leaping from tree to tree, dissolving solidity,
the tarmac a melted metal dazzling up;
and the full truth of it all too much to bear
(this driver lost his  hunger for the very edge).

A few years back, most days it seemed,
autumn, winter, spring, tested in the crucible.
As I sit to write this, two brown oak leaves
float in my flooded candle-holders, droplet silvered.


We haven't had that many days of blinding early or late sun, so far this autumn. More sun, please.

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