Chapter 16: A Dance with Madness

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Whispers in the Dark

Chapter 16: A Dance with Madness

As I stare up at the bland, milky-white ceiling, an abrupt muffled banging comes from the wall next to my body, its faint vibrations lightly tapping the bed that I lay on. I close my eyes, the headache slowly coming back, leaving its aching kiss against the temples of my head.

Almost automatically, without even giving it a second thought, my hand lifts from my side and balls into a fist, its side numbly hitting against the wall next to me once, louder than the banging that's already there. As soon as my hand greets the wall, the parallel banging in the room next to mine immediately stops, returning the room to ringing silence once again. My hand falls back next to my side, my gaze slowly returning back to the empty ceiling.

"Not guilty due to insanity," the low, husky voice firmly yells, the sound echoing from wall to wall, reaching everyone's ears. I'm sure there were a few hushed reactions voicing out from the people behind me, but my mind's too fogged up to even notice them. My eyes widen, staring at the older man in the large, dark wooden court desk in front of me, his slitted eyes locked onto me before nodding. Immediately, two unrecognized uniformed police officers reach me, pulling my arms behind my back as they cuff me, the feeling of being helpless sinking deep into my skin.

As they guide me - or drag, to be more precise - with their hands latched around my arms down the aisle, my eyes land on my parents within the small crowd, their expression blank as they stare back at me. As soon as my eyes lock onto Mom, she turns her head away and stares at the floor, Dad not even noticing her as he closes his eyes for a few moments, barely opens them, then continues to quietly watch me.

They think I'm crazy. They're convinced I killed someone. They...

They think I'm not even their daughter anymore.

I open my mouth to speak, to say anything to them, to attempt to convince them that I never hurt anyone - but then my gaze lands on a black uniformed detective, his blue gaze silently watching me from the back of the large room - the same gaze that I seen days ago, the same voice that informed me I was under arrest. Honestly, it was a little strange to see him in a suit, since all other times he wore rather casual clothes, but the black tie and jacket only whispers to me that he was only here to watch me the whole time, working as a sole detective. Kaito keeps his gaze locked onto me until I reach the door; right before I exit his vision he slowly, silently mouths to me,

"I'm sorry."

I close my eyes. I've stopped thinking hours ago about how they could ever be convinced it was me, how there couldn't possibly be evidence that I killed anyone, but the thought slithers into my head again. There wasn't any evidence, couldn't there? The police men and several other detectives showed me a picture of the boy, Oliver if I remember correctly, a few days after they brought me to the station.

A sour, bitter taste dyes the back of my throat, and I force myself to sit up from the white, bland bedsheets before anything arises from my stomach as I quickly cover my mouth. Two dead bodies... Yuki, the girl in the woods... and Oliver, the boy in the "after" picture from... from under my bed, from where they told me he was found. Perhaps they wanted to see my reaction from showing me the picture of how his body ended up after "I" killed him... how his small, petite body was snapped into terribly disturbing ways, how there was a wrapped bandage covering one of his eyes, a massive puddle of red crimson staining the bandage and sliding down the side of his head...

I lean over the side of the bed, my other hand rushing to cover my mouth along the other one, my eyes snapping shut.

God damn it... how could they show me something like that...?!

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