Chapter 4: Drowning in Darkness

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Whispers in the Dark

Chapter 4: Drowning in Darkness

I can still feel the nagging pull of hesitation scratch at my attention from anything else around me.

Maybe this is a terrible idea to follow the cat - last time I did, he led me to a dead child. Of course, it's better to find her sooner than later, but what would the police say if I found another dead body?

What would I do?

I shake my head and step over a few more fallen branches. A few orange leaves brush against my cheeks as I try to keep up with Mr. Kitty in the thick blanket of trees.

After all I am already being stalked by detective Kaito Shion, and it would do me no good if he caught me wandering around the woods looking for something.

I would probably be sent to some mental hospital if their conclusions led to that my schizophrenia had something to do with the death of Yuki Kaai. I know for a fact that I am able to control my sanity thanks to the gift of being able to tell the difference between them and real people.

Eyes are the key.

Several minutes pass by and the small cat continues to lead me further into the woods. I want to make him hurry up so I have enough time to get back home before sundown, but instead I let him take his time.

He shoots his dull gaze at me every once in a while before jumping over another branch and wonders past the thin trees. Tugging at my shirt for warmth, a shiver runs through my body as it gets colder as it gets darker. I should have listened to Mr. Shion about wearing something else besides a thin jacket.

Then again, I wasn't planning to stay out here longer than I intended. I just hope Mr. Shion won't notice my sudden absence from his vision.

Sighing, the cat finally stops walking and lays down in front of a tree. Raising an eyebrow, I gaze at the tree and then back at Mr. Kitty. His orange gaze calmly locks with mine - but only for a moment before he hisses violently at me.

Wincing, I slowly bring out my hand towards the cat. "Hey, what's wrong? It's just me -"

Mr. Kitty backs up against the tree as soon I come closer spitting out another hiss. Eventually the black cat pounces past the tree and hurriedly runs out of my sight.

Before I can think about catching up to him or even looking around, a sudden grip clenches me by the roots of my hair on the back of my head and rips me backwards. Loosing my balance, I fall onto the ground -

But it isn't the ground of twigs and leaves like I was expecting.

Snapping my eyes wide open, I immediately sit up and jolt my gaze behind me - but no one's there. The back of my head pounds with a burning jolt of pain where the grip snatched me.

Feeling my eyes slowly widen even more and suddenly my shivering body won't allow me to breathe, I lock my gaze onto the darkness of... a wall. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but as soon as they do I can plainly see an empty black wall in front of me.

Slowly getting to my feet, I whip my gaze around in circles - but only walls surround me. I'm in a room - with no windows, with no doors, with no lights, with nothing. Only me in a dark, square room.

Feeling my body tense, I eventually choke out, "H-Hey...! This isn't funny! What the hell is this!?"

The only response I get is the sound of my skittering breath echo around me. Wrapping my arms tightly around me, I wait a few moments before suddenly a gentle buzzing sound hisses at me.

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