Chapter 9: Temporary Comfort

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Whispers in the Dark

Chapter 9: Temporary Comfort

"Am I going to be sent away?" I find my hands burying deeper under my thighs to hide how much they're trembling. The question seems to scream at me since it first squeezed into my head, but it's the answer I'm more terrified of.

Kaito swiftly glances at me before he takes his hands out of his pockets and walks away from the metal door of the small room. He sits down in the worn-out recliner across from me and hunches over. Resting his elbows on his knees, he lifts his hands to cover his mouth and stares at me for a few moments. I squirm in my spot with his gaze latched onto me.

Finally, his hands flop down away from his face as he says, "No. I convinced the

authorities - and your parents - to give you another chance. I did my research on your illness." He seems to lean closer to me as he licks his lips. "I believe that what you did yesterday was just a phase, a breaking point in your life. Most people diagnosed with schizophrenia have a meltdown in their young adulthood. I think that's what happened to you with Rin."

I stare blankly at him. He actually stuck up for me? He covered a girl he doesn't even know and most likely thinks she's crazy? I shake my head. "Why would you do that for me?"

He makes a brief grunt of laughter. "Shouldn't I at least get a 'thank you?'"

"Well, what I mean is why would you bother try to give me a second chance? I'm pretty sure you're convinced I've lost it."

He shrugs. "No, I don't. And I don't think you should be sent to some mental hospital just for messing up once. I can't say what would happened if you slipped up again, though. I don't think I'll get the chance to bust you out. You're on your last life, kid."

Kid? Really? He's only a handful of years older than me. I sigh and change the subject, "Have you found out anything about the little girl?"

"Yuki? No. Whoever killed her sure wasn't a dumb ass about doing it. Stupid choice? Yes. Stupid procedure? Not even close. We haven't found a single clue to find us our murderer." He leans back in his chair and stares at the coffee table between us. "But like I said before, I don't think you're the one who did it, so that leaves us absolutely nothing."

A wave of relief flows over me. Even though he has mentioned it before, it definitely lifts a weight off of my shoulders knowing that I'm not being hunted down. But if Kaito doesn't suspect me, then why doesn't he just tell the person he's working for that? Why would he waste his time watching me when he could be in the office digging deeper into Yuki's case? After all, I'm just a suspect. Her file is more important than me at the moment.

I never heard of a suspect being stalked like this anyway. Usually it's just a whole lot of questioning; if they believe you're the killer, they'll come and get you. Since when were suspects being eyed until they found further information, especially when the detective following you was convinced you weren't the murderer?

"Kaito? Why am I being followed by you? Don't you think that just because I'm a simple suspect that it's strange to be observed? It feels like I'm a child," I say as I stare at him. He just stares right back and shrugs. "It's my job."

It's my job, I think. What kind of detective is told to follow a girl who currently has the leading spot in being the killer? Do they truly think that I killed her? I shake my head and drop my gaze to the carpeted ground. No, that can't be it. That's ridiculous. I think back to the other day, the day I choked Rin, and jolt my gaze back up to the man.

"I'm pretty sure that when you're boss asked you to keep an eye on me, he didn't mean literally to keep an eye on me. I'm certain that he meant to just take a look on my profile every once in a while to see what's going on with my life; to see if any useful information popped up in your case because of me." I bite my lip. "Because I'm pretty damn sure that if looking after me was your job, then you wouldn't happen to have a drug on you to knock me out while I'm at school."

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