- chapter 5 • ice cream -

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"I'm fine!" Akaashi said cheerfully.

"It's okay Akaashi, we all know-" Bokuto said as he slightly put his hand on Akaashi shoulder.

Akaashi shoved Bokuto's hand of pity off of him. "Can you guys just shut your fucking mouths of pity and let me choose a damn ice cream flavor?" Akaashi snapped.

All of them were stunned of what came out of his mouth. They were speechless.

Akaashi finally chose his flavor, vanilla. They all walked out of there feeling awkward from the outburst Akaashi had.

They licked their ice creams as they started their way back to closer to the college. But they all knew they weren't going back yet, just getting closer around the area.

The sun beat on them, it was the afternoon. It was the hottest time of day, which didn't help Akaashi's case. He was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

Sweat dripped from Akaashi, his pace was slower. The other three boys were joking, Kenma slightly in to the conversation.

Akaashi's pace slowed down a lot as he took breathes of air. It hurt so much, his whole body did. His chest hurt, leaving it harder for him to inhale.

He accidentally dropped the ice cream cone that splattered all over the concrete. Akaashi stood there with his hand still in the position of holding the ice cream. His eyes drooped, slipping out of consciousness. The heat and pain was just to much for him.

Bokuto turned back, "Hey Akaashi? Are you alright dude?" His tone was worried.

"I just need to sit down.." Akaashi managed to breathe out.

Bokuto and Kenma both put their arms over his sides and slightly sat him down against the wall of a building they were walking next to.

Akaashi sat down, pain shooting up his spine. He winced, not loud.

They slightly stared at the boy who was sweating like he just ran a marathon.

Akaashi felt like his was slowing them down. He felt the pity in their eyes. He got mad at himself and stood up. Falling back into the wall.

"Akaashi! I don't think you should stand up yet, you seem really tired." Kenma said while inching closer towards him.

Akaashi gritted his teeth. Their eyes sunk into him, feeling like spears.

"Stop.. staring at me." He whispered.

"I couldn't hear you.. what was that?" Bokuto questioned.

"Stop fucking staring at me with those god damn eyes. I'm fucking fine." He stood up and faced them.

Akaashi didn't cuss that much so that stunned Kenma.

"Hey dude we're just worried about you." Kuroo said as he put his hand on Akaashi's shoulder.

Akaashi now pissed, but his eyes flashed again. Struggling to say conscious. He shoved the hand off of with as much strength he could.

"I.. I'm so done with all of your pity. Everybody just takes one god damn look at me and thinks I'm a weakling! Right? It's like I'm treated like a lost puppy who doesn't have a sense of direction!" Akaashi raised his voice.

Kenma tried to talk but got cut off by Akaashi.

"No. Be quiet for once Kenma. Always fucking butting in on my relationship! Asking me how I'm fucking doing! Oh I'm great!" His voice shouted.

"Don't any of you just wish you weren't in reality?! I just fucking wish for once I could live a god damn normal college life!" Tears now pricked at Akaashi's eyes. He was filled with anger.

"Don't any of you understand..? I don't know anymore.." A tear came down his face while his voice trembling. "I don't know.. how does a relationship even work? I thought it was all normal to me!" He smiled like a psychopath.

They just stood there thrilled of what was coming out of his mouth.

"I thought I loved him.. I thought he fucking loved me!" He bit his bottom lip, he was shaking. "I don't even know how to live anymore!"

Shocked of what came out his mouth, Bokuto immediately hugged him. Kenma was thrilled as he had one hand clutching on Kuroo shirt.

More tears flooded down his face. He hated crying in public, in front of anyone.

Bokuto lifted up his tight squeeze. Looked at Akaashi. "How about another ice cream?"

Akaashi just looked at him, did he really just say if he wanted another ice cream? Akaashi thought.

He smiled thinking of how clueless Bokuto was at the time.

Bokuto let go of Akaashi and looked at Kenma and Kuroo. They stared at each other, talking with their eyes.

"Maybe we should go back and hang out.." Kenma said. Akaashi smiled to that.

They started to walk once more.

Akaashi forgot how horrible he felt. He took a couple of steps and gave in to the piercing pain. He collapsed on the concrete, hitting his head.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto yelped as he saw him go down. Kenma rushed over to him and fell on his knees.

"Akaashi? Why didn't you fucking say anything!" Kenma yelled knowing he was out cold.

Akaashi blacked out on the hot concrete, his breath was shaky. He was completely unconscious.


a/n: sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I'd didn't want to check.

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