Dano-Swedish War of 1808-9

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March 14th, 1808- Scandinavia.
They don't want to fight. I know they don't. Big brother Sve... why? Why would you give in?
I stood next to him in line with our soldiers on a cold morning in March. Across from us was the Danish and Norwegian army, standing ready to attack. Sve doesn't know... no one can. Matthias Køhler and I, Mikkeline Devon Oxenstierna , are secret lovers. A Dane and a Swede in forbidden love.
We made eye contact. His eyes were filled with remorse and sorrow, mine filling with tears. I can't believe this is happening.
I wore my uniform, now hating the new connotation. Sve wore a similar long blue coat.
I looked at him and he nods. The next thing I know, we are charging at each other.
I fight off some Norwegian soldiers as Denmark and Sweden hash it out.
The swings of my axe are sloppy at best. I can never forgive myself for this. I hate to kill these poor men just fighting from peer pressure of the French. I turn my blade around so I don't do any damage to them, hopefully only knocking them out.
I look over to big brother. He's got Matthias on the ground, his axe a couple feet out of reach and slowly creeping in on him.
No... please no...
Sve lifts his sword slowly, knowing that it must be done. He brings down his blade swiftly leaving a huge gash in Matthias's chest.
"NOOOOOOO!" I scream.
I run to Denmark's side, cradling him in my arms. I check for a pulse. Check! It's slow, but still beating.
"STOP! ... please." Tears now pouring down my cheekbones.
"Syster, vänligen flytta..." He said with tears in his eyes. I know he doesn't want to do this, but he's too loyal to refuse the kingdom.
"No! I can't just watch you do this to him!"
I'm thrown off guard. I've never heard him scream like that.
His face contorts but I continue.
"I love him, brother. We've been together for a while now. I knew I couldn't tell you, but I can't watch you kill my beloved."
He's mad... I can tell. He drops his sword, calls off his troops, and walks away.
I look down at Matthias. The color is draining from his face. I peel back his coat and shirt revealing a deep cut covered in crimson.
Oh god. It's bad.
"Baby, stay with me. I'm going to help you."
I rip off the trim of my coat and tightly wrap it around his chest. That should slow the blood loss.
I grabbed him under the arms and dragged him to an empty recovery station. I set him on the bed and undo his the buttons on his shirt and get to work. I clean up around the wound and begin to stitch it up. By this point he had passed out, which is probably better since he won't feel much pain right now.
I finish stitching him up and clean up the wound again. I get some patches and apply them to keep it clean and closed.
He's beginning to wake up. I get some pain medicine and water ready for him to take.
"Hi baby." My eyes tear up again knowing he's safe and recovering.
He looks down at his chest and starts to tear up as well.
"Thank you, min elsker." He reaches a calloused hand up to my face, caressing my cheek. I put my hand over his, lean into his touch, and kiss his palm.
"Anything for you, my dear."
We both let go and I continue to aid him. I take off his shirt and put a wrap around his chest. I plant kisses over the bandages to show more love.
I wrap a blanket around his shoulders and place his head in my lap to play with his hair.
*Knock knock knock*
I sit him up and walk to the door and open it to my big brother.
He just stares at me for a while, then pulls me into a hug. He's crying.
"Jag är ledsen. Jag är så ledsen."
I wrap my arms around him tightly. We let go of each other and I lead him over to where Matthias is laying.
I decide to leave them alone to discuss a peace treaty and prepare some food for Denmark.
I walk back in the room to see the two grip hands and then hug, carefully not to hurt the healing wound.
I walk Berwald to the door and hug him once more. "Tack så mycket, big brother."
He nods and walks home.
I sit back by Matthias.
"It's late, dear. You should get some rest."
"Sleep with me?"
I smile and curl up to his side, wrapping my arms around his abdomen. He wraps an arm around my shoulders. He looks into my eyes and kisses my lips.
"Jeg elsker dig."
"Jag älskar också dig, min kung."

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