Comforting Peter

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Ever since Matthias and I started dating, we decided on sharing a room ('cause we're both clingy little bitches). Since I wasn't using my room anymore, it was obviously open. Therefore, Peter decided to move out of his shared room and get one for himself.
    Ok, little backstory. When Berwald had me move into the Nordic house, they decided, much to Emil's dismay, that he and Peter would share a room.


Emil: Why do I have to share a room?!
Lucas: Because we need the room for Devon.
Emil: Why can't she share a room?!
Devon: 'Cause I'm the only girl in this house and I don't want any of you trying anything!
Emil: *blushes* I would never!
Devon: I'm not saying you in particular, but there are "some people" I'm worried about. *hinting to Matthias*
Matthias: Oh come on, kære! You know you'd love it!
Berwald: *grips Mat by the shoulder and just stares*
Matthias: *is now gone*
Tino: OK! So, Emil. Please will you do this? It won't be that bad. We'll get you a new bed! That's cool right?
Emil: ...fine.
Peter: Yay!

*End of Flashback*

    I've always treated Peter like my own little brother/son 'cause, well, he's just got that personality. Even after Mat and I started dating, he started to call me "Aunt Devon", which I think is adorable! So, he's pretty comfortable with me, and I know he'd come to me if there was any problem.
            Peter has been noticeably more sleep deprived after moving rooms. Me and Tino have been the only ones to have taken note of this, but when we asked, Peter said he was fine. So, we didn't push it.

    One night, while Mat and I are in bed. He has his arms and legs wrapped around me in a death grip and I'm just taking it, holding his hand. I'm a pretty interesting sleeper in that I will wake up instantly if someone says my name. I hear a quiet voice calling me. I open my eyes to see the door cracked open and a little Peter sticking his head in the room. "Hey, Peter. What's up buddy?" I say half awake. Peter shyly walks up to me as if he's embarrassed. "I... I haven't been able to sleep well alone... So, I..I was wondering if I could sleep with you?" He says. I think for a second remembering what Matthias is wearing, or actually, not wearing. He's shirtless only wearing a pair of boxers. I would put him between us but I don't want to scar the poor kid. "Aww, Peter. Of course you can." I say ruffling his hair a bit. I turn my head a bit to look at Matthias, and smack his leg to wake him up. "Ow..." He whines. "Come on, move over. Peter's gonna get in with us." "Ugh..." He slides back a bit pulling me with him. I lift up the covers for Peter to hop in. I wrap my arms around him to make him feel secure and kiss his forehead softly. "Good night, Peter." "Good night, Aunt Devon. And thank you" I just hum in response and fall back asleep.

~Extra Ending~
Lucas' P.O.V.

    'Peter is usually up early for breakfast' I think to myself. I go up to his room to find it empty. I go to Devon and Matthias' room (god I hate saying that) to see if they've seen him. When, I knock and don't receive a response I peek my head in to see an interesting sight. There was Dane with his arms wrapped around Devon whose arms are wrapped around Peter. They are all fast asleep, so I decide to leave them. But, before I leave, I grab my camera to take a picture. 'Ha. Blackmail.'

    I go back downstairs to show the others the photo. Tino thinks it's adorable, my dear little brother doesn't seem to care, and Berwald shows a little smile.
    Soon the Dane, Devon, and Peter walk down to the kitchen. Tino gawks at how cute he thought they looked. Emil, Berwald, and I did nothing really, just went back to eating.
    We teased the Dane about it for the rest of the day.

~Extra Extra Ending~
    Emil never got that new bed

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