För Mig Själv...

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My P.O.V

    I have been living with the Nordics for a while now. My big brother, Sweden, let me move in with him because he wanted me to be around people more often. I'm not really one to go out of my way to hang out with people, so you could call me a loner.
    I love the Nordics like they're my family... except one. One means so much more to me than family, and I think it's safe to say I've fallen in love. This person is none other than Matthias Køhler. I just can't help but smile whenever I see him. He's got this amazing childlike attitude that makes me feel all giddy inside. I've been told that I matured extremely quickly, so I never really felt like a child. But, when I'm with him, I really live my childhood. He's the complete opposite of me loud, optimistic, childlike, confident, and so much more. Me being the quiet, pessimistic, mature girl I am is already confusing enough, but they do say opposites attract, right?
    I'm in high school right now, and to get more involved, I signed up for stage crew for our play. The play just so happened to be Les Mis, a play my dad has been telling me about for a while but I just never saw it. The play was a huge success and I feel so proud to have been a part of the crew. But, one thing has been on my mind lately... Eponine. I feel like we are the same person. We both have this unrequited love for someone. I mean, I'm not dying anytime soon and I still have a chance. Whenever I'd hear her sing On My Own, it really made me emotional. It's exactly how I feel about Matthias.

    One day, when all of the Nordics were out to a meeting, I decided I'd put on a little concert for myself. I'm not one to ever sing in public but I do enjoy singing to myself. I just wanted to get my emotions out in the air so I decided to sing On My Own, in Swedish of course.
    Little did I know that the boys would be dismissed early.

Matthias' P.O.V.

    Ever since Berwald's little sister, Devon, moved in, I've noticed that I want to be around her a lot more. (I think she has magnets in her pockets) She has this calming presence that I absolutely love. Whenever I'm around her, I really feel like an adult. I always feel the room light up when she walks in. I've been talking to Lucas about my feelings and he says I'm in love... Love... that's a strange feeling isn't it? You absolutely adore someone but you're too nervous and scared to tell that person how you feel.
    I love everything about her. I love her delicate voice, that one strand of black in her brown hair, her artwork, oh my god her artwork! It's the best I've ever seen. She denies her artistry, but I always compliment her. She can always find a way to make me feel special. The other guys get annoyed with me pretty quick, but no matter how pissed she may be, she'll always be kind to me... and I'm so grateful for that. I just... I don't know. She probably doesn't even like me back. We're complete opposites, but hey. They do say opposites attract, right?

    We were dismissed from the meeting early since we really didn't have anything to do, so we headed home. The guys and I walked through the door and dropped our stuff. We were about to call for Devon, but I heard a soft singing coming from the kitchen...
    "Guys! Shut up for a second! Do you hear that?" I said in a hushed voice.
I motioned for them to follow me to the kitchen. When we got there, we saw Devon turned towards the counter making some lunch.

Then I heard the most angelic singing voice I've ever heard coming out of the girl's mouth.

För mig själv, så låtsas jag han stannar
Varje kväll, så går vi tätt tillsammans
Han saknas, men håller ändå om mig
För när jag har det svårt jag blundar hårt och han är hos mig

The guys and I watched in awe as she sung in Swedish.

I ett regn, blir gatorna som silver
Alla ljus gör floden till ett skimmer
Och i mörkret, har trädens kronor stjärnor
Och i ett slag finns han och jag i tid och evigheter

I was infuriated at the thought of her singing this about someone else...  until I noticed something. In her hand was the Denmark mug I got her, and she was intently staring at it as if she were singing to it.
"Is she singing about me?"
The guys obviously noticed this too as their gaze went from the mug in her hand to me.

Men jag vet det finns ju ingenting
Att jag pratar för mig själv och ingen hör
Fast jag vet, jag vet att han är blind
Vill jag tro att han ser ändå

Jag älskar, men timmarna försvinner
Och jag ser en ensam flod som rinner
Och ensam, förändras hela världen
Det blåser kallt och överallt står främlingar om kring mig

Jag älskar, men varje dag har lärt mig
Att mitt liv är bara som jag låtsas
Så dör jag, så lever han som vanligt
Hans värld är full av lycka som jag aldrig kommer ha

    By this point, I was in tears. She was singing about me! Berwald suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and said in a quiet voice, "Take care of my sister."

Jag älskar, jag älskar
Jag älskar
Men bara för mig själv

    I could hear her crying softly to herself and watched her drop to her knees. It looks like she meant every word. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I really processed the song. She's in love with me, but she thinks I don't love her back... I do Devon! I love you!

    Suddenly, Tino started clapping. We all looked at him in shock to see his eyes welling with tears as well. Devon gasped and jumped to her feet realizing she wasn't alone anymore. With red, puffy eyes she looked at us. She held the mug tightly to her chest and prepared to run. I ran up to her and enclosed my arms around her shaking figure. She slowly wrapped her arms around me and we stood there for a bit. I heard footsteps leaving the kitchen, signaling that we were now alone. I pulled away and grabbed her face with my hands.

    "Devon... Were you singing that about me?" I asked softly.
She slowly nodded.
    "Yes, Matthias."

    I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled her face closer to mine until our lips pressed together softly. She froze but then relaxed into the kiss and started to kiss back.

    After about a minute of that, I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers. I looked into beautiful green eyes and I said those three special words.
    "Jeg elsker dig."

    "Jag älskar också dig, Matthias." She said with a bright smile on her face.

My P.O.V.

    I can't believe it. Matthias just said he loves me too! I don't think I've ever been happier.

Looks like I'm not on my own after all.

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