Chapter 18- Rally Ready

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The next day was the rally. Medda kept insisting I wear a dress now that the newsies knew my secret. I finally gave in. I figured she was right; now that they knew, might as well go all out.

Medda and I spent the day going through her entire wardrobe.

"This would look smashing on you!" Medda said, lifting a tight, black dress.

I looked at it skeptically, then shook my head with a chuckle.

"Medda, I ain't lookin' like a performer tonight, just nicer den normal."

She put the dress away, disappointed.

"Maybe somethin' with more color," I said, sorting through the dresses. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon a small, pale green square of fabric. I carefully pulled it from the pile to see the whole dress.

It was a beautiful dress. It was cut shorter in the front and it would come just below my knees. It was the color of leaves covered in frost. It had a V-neckline and was made of a satin-like material. It was perfect.

"This one!" I said, starting to get excited. Medda let out a squeal of excitement.

"You'll need jewelry, too! Silver jewelry! And shoes, some heels would be great!"

"Slow down, slow down!" I said, chuckling. "Heels? I'll trip and fall on my face!"

"They'll be small heels," She said reassuringly. She then turned to a vanity that was overflowing with jewelry. She began to pick through the large assortment for silver necklaces, bracelets and rings.

I walked over and helped her find a fake pearl necklace and a matching fake pearl bracelet. Medda then turned to her shoes and pulled out a pair with heels that were at least 2 inches.

"Medda, I've neva walked in heels before. Do ya happen ta have anythin' smaller?"

She turned back to the pile of shoes, dug around for a bit, then pulled out a pair of white heels. They only had a 1-inch heel, so I gratefully accepted them.

"You're going to look stunning tonight!" Medda squealed, "Oh! And you'll have to let me do your hair and makeup!"

I turned to her in shock.

"Medda! I'm wearin' a dress, jewelry, and heels! Why do I gotta wear makeup too?"

"Because you and I both know this is the only time you'll even go near any of this stuff!" She walked over to me with puppy eyes. "Please, Lea?"

I sighed. "Fine."

She delightfully squealed and danced around the room.

"Ok, I'll have everything waiting tonight. Come about an hour early and I'll do everything! See ya!"

"Bye, Medda." I gave her a hug and walked out the door. I bit my lip as I walked away. What if tonight was the night someone would see me as a girl and get the Bulls involved?

I pushed that thought out of my mind. Tonight is gonna be great. Right?

Lea of New York Where stories live. Discover now