Chapter 10- Seize the Day

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We eventually made it back to the Horace Greedly statue where the boys were waiting. By now, my legs were better and I wasn't feeling as achy. There were still scrapes, bruises, and blood clinging to my shin and cheek, but I'd be fine.

Race was on the ground, playing marbles and no doubt betting on it, too. When we arrived, he turned and his eyes widened when he saw my beat up body. He jumped up and walked over to me.

"Lemur, what happened? Did Conlon do dis to ya?" Race questioned, his hand balling into a fist. I silently covered his fist with my hand.

"Nah, just some scabbers claiming I was sellin' on their turf," I said, repeating what I told Boots. "Conlon actually saved me from gettin' pounded to death."

Race relaxed, his fist unfolded and the tension in his body melted. "You sure you're ok?" He asked skeptically.

"I'm fine," I replied, "trust me, it looks worse den it feels."

Race looked skeptical, but I shrugged it off.

"Speakin' of which, where is Spot?" Race asked, turning to Jack. I frown and scratch my good cheek.

"He was concerned about us bein' serious, you imagine that?" Jack said, sounding slightly irritated.

The others started to get jittery and looked down and dejected.

"Well, Jack, maybe we oughta ease off a little," Race suggested, making me furrow my brows.

Kid Blink looked up and said, "Without Spot and the others, there ain't enough of us, Jack."

"Maybe we're movin' too soon," Mush spoke up, "Maybe we ain't ready, ya know?"

"I really think we oughta forget about it for a while," Skittery added, unable to look either of us in the eye.

I stood in shock and fury. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Spot was right, and we hadn't even really started the strike yet!

"Oh, ya do?" I snapped to Skittery, moving closer to him.

He backed away and sheepishly replied, "Well, yeah, I mean we ain't Brooklyn..."

I became practically livid and gave him a push.

"I can't believe this! Spot was right!" I shouted, glaring at each of them. "Is this just a game to you guys?"

The newsies shook their heads, protesting. I let out a deep sigh and turned to my brother.

"Race," I said, grabbing him by the arm. I gave him a pleading look and turned back to the statue. David was weaving through the boys and began singing.

"Open the gates and seize the day,

Don't be afraid and don't delay,"

I turned to him and joined in.

"Nothing can break us, no one can make us

Give our rights away.

Arise and seize the day!"

We smiled at each other, singing as the boys echoed.

"Now is the time to seize the day! (now is the time to seize the day!)

Send out the call and join the fray! (send out the call and join the fray!)

Wrongs will be righted if we're united,
Let us seize the day!"

We began to sing and dance as Race pulled out his harmonica and played a few notes.

"Friends of the friendless, seize the day! (friends of the friendless, seize the day!)

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