Chapter 3- The Spider and I

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I headed to my usual spot between Brooklyn and Manhattan. It was the closest any 'Hattan newsie would get to Brooklyn. I started selling here because of a dare, but the customers were great, so I stayed.

I walked down the street, yelling out headlines. None of them were completely fake, I was just doing what Jack said. Improving the truth.

"EXTRA EXTRA!" I called out, "Terrified flight from burning inferno!" The real headline was Trash Fire Next to Immigration Building Terrifies Seagulls.

A man walking by handed me a penny and took a pape. Today was gonna be a good day. I walked down alleyways to usuals who asked for me to bring papes right to their doors or up fire escapes.

I turned down one alleyway and climbed a fire escape. I softly knocked on the window. Seconds later, a woman appeared and opened it.

"Mornin', Mrs. Baker," I greeted, "how the kids doin'?"

The woman pulled a nickel out of her pocket.

"Andrew and Abigail are enjoying school. Thomas's a little behind, but he'll catch up."

I handed her a pape in exchange for the nickel.

"What about Phillip?"

"He's off at work. Mr. Baker is really proud of him." She replied with a smile.

"Good," I said, starting to climb back down, "Say hello to da kids for me!"

I hit the ground and turned to leave when I heard two boys yelling at me.

"Hey!" One of them snapped, "You're sellin on our turf!"

"Beat it!" The other said. Based on their appearance, they we're scabbers. And I don't listen to scabbers.

"Look, guys, I don't listen ta scabbers like you, and I've been sellin' here for years, so, you can beat it!" I called to them, turning and leaving.

"You'll regret this!" One shouted.

The second one started going off. "This isn't the last you'll-"

But by then I turned the corner and started to my next stop. I didn't have time to argue with scabbers who had no doubt only been selling papes about a week, two weeks tops.

I continue selling papes, making a fair amount of money. Most people only paid with a penny, but a few paid with a nickel. One woman gave me a dime and an apple. I scampered to the top of a building and bit into the apple. So sweet, so crisp, so...


I quickly climbed off the edge of the roof and peered over. I may have been at least 30 feet up, but that was him. If he found out I was a girl, he would have the power to send me to a home for girls. And I did not want to go there.

I watched him walk down the sidewalk, glancing around. He continued heading toward the center of Manhattan, right where I was going. Shoot.

I figured I'd just stay out longer and sell more papes out here. I waited for him to go around the corner. As soon as he was out of my sight, I cautiously climbed down the fire escape.

I considered heading into Brooklyn territory, but quickly changed my mind. Though I've never been to Brooklyn, I've heard of how tough the Brooklyn newsies were. I didn't want to risk anything.

A couple minutes later, I started to head back. I had sold almost all my papes. I figured I could find a few more customers. As I'm selling my last three papes, I saw Snyder walking out of a diner.

I quickly turned down an alleyway and hid behind a pile of crates. I thought I could hear his voice, so I listened closer.

"-maybe at the wrestling ring?" A different voice said.

"That does sound like somewhere he'd be," Snyder said, "Thank you, Mr. Anderson."

Then I heard footsteps coming my way. I quickly scrambled into the shadows. I watched as he passed by, walking quickly. I didn't care where he was going, just that he was away from me.

I slowly crawled out from the corner, looked around the corner to see Snyder walking away, and walked across the street. This was going to be a long day.

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