Chapter 6- The World will Know

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I opened my eyes. It's still dark out. I quietly put my clothes on and tucked my braid into my hat. I silently slip onto the fire escape and climb to the roof. I watched to sunrise as I thought.

I wanted to leave New York. No one chasing me, no more hiding, just freedom. And I loved the idea of Santa Fe. But I couldn't leave Race. He's the only family I got left.

I heard the newsies downstairs getting ready. I jumped down to the fire escape and climbed back inside.

We all made our way downstairs. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to leave, but I didn't want to leave Race, and I didn't even know if he wanted to leave.

Minutes later, I was looking for Race so I could talk to him. He must've already made it to the Distribution Center. I dashed to the Center to hear something going on.

Jack nearly materialized next to me.

"What's goin' on over there?"

I turn to him.

"I don't know." I ran into the Center to find the other newsies pacing and mumbling. I was mostly confused because none of them were getting papes.

"Blink, what's happenin'?" Jack questioned, coming up behind me.

"They jacked up the price!" He yelled, "Ya hear that Jack? Ten cents more a hundred! Ya know, it's bad enough dat we gotta eat what we don't sell, now they jack up the price! Can you believe dat?"

"This'll bust me, I'm barely makin' a living right now," Skittery complained.

"I'll be back sleepin' on the streets." Boots said defeatedly.

"It don't make no sense," Mush said, "I mean all the money Pulitzer's making, why would he gouge us?"

"Because he's a tightwad, that's why!" Race yelled, sounding as irritated as he looked.

"Pipe down, it's just a gag," Jack said, altough I could tell he didn't really believe that.

He marched up to the counter with me following at his heels. I wanted some answers.

"So, why the jack up, Weasel?" Jack demanded.

"Why not?" Weasel replied, licking his finger and raising it in the air although he was in a building, therefore there would be no wind. "It's a nice day. Why don't you ask Mr. Pulitzer?"

I plopped down on the steps. Jack huffed in annoyance.

"They can't do this to be, Jack," Blink said, irritated.

"They can do whateva they want," Race snapped, "It's their stinkin' paper."

"It ain't fair! We got no rights at all!" Boots exclaimed.

"Come on, it's a rigged deck. They got all the marbles." Race snapped as Jack sat down on the step in front of me.

"Lee, Jack, we got no choice," Mush reasoned, "So why don't we get our lousy papes while they still got some, huh?" He started to move past us to the counter.

"No!" Jack yelled, pulling him back.

"Nobody's goin' anywhere!" I added. "They can't get away with this!"

The boys began to crowd around us, asking about what we should do.

Suddenly, we heard a small voice yelling in the back.

"Give then some room, give them some room!" Les shouted, pushing the newsies back and sitting next to Jack. "Let them think!" He turned to me with a small smile.

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