Chapter 14- My Hat!

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Race came up to me and worriedly whispered, "Lee, where's ya hat?" My eyes widened in fear and I lost all the color in my face. Denton took a picture of me without my hat. And now I can't find it.

"I don't know, I lost it!" Where could it have gone? I frantically searched the ground. I was nervous about asking any of the boys, especially since they just found out about me being a girl. After a while, I began to panic. Where was it?

Suddenly, I heard a sharp whistle from the rooftop next to the Distribution center. I looked up to see Spot waving me up. I glanced around and quickly scampered up the wall in a matter of seconds.

"Whatcha need, Spot?" I said, sounding slightly irritated.

He looked taken aback and replied with, "I didn't need ya attitude."

"Sorry," I muttered, "I'm just panicking because I can't find..." At this moment, Spot pulled my hat from behind a crate.

"My hat!"

"I saw it on da ground, and after I saw you without ya hat, I just put two and two together." He handed me my hat.

"I was kinda confused when I saw ya without ya hat," He said.

"Oscar knocked me ova and it fell off. Then, I was so busy fightin', I didn't have time ta grab it."

Spot looked down at the celebrating newsies.

"What are they talkin' about?" He asked.

"Don't know," I said, "but I'm gonna find out." I climbed down and ran into David.

"Where you goin'?" I asked.

"We're going home now," He said, "Denton told us to meet him at Tibby's tomorrow. See ya then!"

I looked up to Spot and waved him goodbye, then tucked my braid into my hat. All the newsies of Manhattan knew I was a girl, but it was still natural for me to hide my hair. Tomorrow's lunch was going to be interesting.

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