~Chapter 5~

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College Dorms ~Girls~

Toph woke up and felt around for her phone, she finally pressed the off button and sat up. She tapped on the right corner to listen to Siri play out her notifications. "3 Notifications" Siri read aloud as Toph listened. "Email from IrohBendingclassFCNC@FCNC.College.com, Class Project Partners" Siri read, Toph listened and decided to click on it for her to find out who she needs to message. "Partners, Haru and Isna, blah blah blah, Sokka and Toph-" she looked up and sighed, great. "Why put of all people Sokka." She shook her head and played the rest of the notifications, the usual emails and text. She sat her phone down and stood up, she walked over to her dresser and grabbed some black leggings and a simply southern Tee shirt (if you know me this is literally all I wear). She went to the bathroom and sighed when she realized she didn't leave her hair up last night. As she was brushing through her hair she remembered Sokka. 'He kissed me-' Toph thought to herself, she pulled herself together and kept brushing her hair. She flipped it back into a messy pony tail and tightened it at the top. She walked out and didn't hear anyone so she went over to Badger. "Hey boy, want breakfast?" Toph said as she sat down next to her Aussie, she went over to his food bowl and felt around for the bucket. "Need some help?" She heard a sly voice say, she shook and looked back up. "Sokka? Oh it's just you, no I'm good." She opened the lid on the container and grabbed a cup. She filled two cups and poured them into the bowl. "So, why are you up so early?" The watertribe boy asked, she smirked and spoke. "I could ask you the same, captain boomerang" they laughed as she sat down on the couch, she decided to make some tea since she hadn't eaten yet. "So, you know what the project is?" She asked grabbing a tea cup from the cabinet, he looked up at her. "Didn't you read the email?" He looked at her, she usually always read things through. "I was tired, anyways?" She spoke placing the tea bag into her cup. "Its about learning an ancient firebending technique, Zuko and Aang did the dancing dragon in high school, that was hilarious." He explained the details of their assignment as she sat down and drank her tea. She listened to his voice, it was calming. Toph shook her head at this thought, he's just a friend okay. "Something wrong?" Sokka asked as she shook her head, in shock she shook her head again causing him to be more suspicious. He continued speaking until a question came up that made Toph a little cold. "So, you and Zuko Wednesday, hmm, seems like you two got it on heh." Sokka joked looking at her trying to raise her attention, she turned her head in confusion as her dog smacked her knee. "Good boy," she pet his head, he was alerting her of an incoming panic attack. She kept patting him as she talked, "I don't know what your talking about, Sokka" she finished, she was serious. He was confused but continued, "don't try and deny it!" She sighed and looked at him again. "Sokka, once you left I stayed in my room. Then about an hour later Suki came back and according to Katara, reeked of sex." She sat up more infused with curiosity and anger. He widened his eyes and gulped, "wait...I didn't see Suki since the middle of the da- Toph." He got more serious as did she, they both sighed and sat up on the end of the couch. "You don't think they?" Toph asked curiously, he sighed and took her hand. "There is only one way to do this and you know how." She sighed and walked over to Katara's door. She was already awake and on the phone, Toph figured it was Aang as she was correct. Toph sat on the edge of her bed and spoke. "Hey, can you and Aang leave the dorm today me and Sokka are testing are most likely soon to be exes sadly." Katara looked shocked at her words but nodded and got out of her bed. "Can you believe Aang may be able to have Momo and Appa here!" Toph was confused by her words but nodded and walked out. She walked over to Sokka as they set up the days they could practice. "No, we should do it every other day." Sokka corrected Toph as she poked him, "ugh fine" she rolled her eyes and agreed, Sokka started to tickle her as she tried not to laugh. "Sok- Sokka stop heh!" He continued as she barley couldn't breathe anymore, Katara walked out on the two on top of each other tickling one another. She smirked and walked out of the dorm to see her boyfriend standing there with a smile plastered on his face. He kissed her cheek as they were going to walk into her room for a moment Aang stopped and noticed the best friends. "Uh, Katara?" He looked at his girlfriend with confusion as she laughed and walked into her room.

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