~Chapter 9~

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Oct. 17th [2 Months later]

~College Campus ~Mr.Paku's class~

As Katara examined the water closely her fellow classmates were leaving the classroom already, seeing as class was over. Katara turned her head slightly at the sight of this unusual water. "Is there something I can help you with?" Her teacher asked raising an eyebrow at the young girl. The water bender turned around quickly and smiled. 

"Oh no, just thought I'd take a look at this water. But I would like to know how it maintains such a beautiful state after all these years?" She said turning back around once more to look at the glowing water. It was shimmering blue with a glow. Her teacher laughed calmly while the water still flowed smoothly. 

"Well, its a very fine type of water you see." He said walking over to the other side of the small water tank. "The ancient tale always said that the moon would carry water from the ocean into a small pond, and bless it with its powers." Katara was stunned by his words, she looked closely and thought for a second that she saw a glimpse of her mother. As a tear fell from her eye her teacher stood there a little stunned for a moment staring at the girl. 

"You saw your mother, didn't you?" He asked, she looked up at him confused as to why he knew that. She nodded slowly and he looked kind of stunned. "You know, only some of the most talented water benders can see things in the water." He grinned softly at the girl who's jaw was on the floor at this point. After a moment of standing there shocked she finally smiled and stood up straight, she thanked him for the class then ran straight of out the room joyful as fuck.

She ran straight out the door and started walking back to the dorms when she saw Sokka. She walked towards him quickly very excited. "Sokka guess what happened today!" She squealed with excitement as her brother just rolled his eyes. 

"Let me guess, a giant bird flew into the room." He said sarcastically and she crossed her arms then sighed. He laughed at his sisters reaction when his girlfriend walked back from behind him. He kissed his girlfriends cheek then waited for Katara to actually answer.

"No, you idiot." The water bender smacked her forehead, "Our teacher brought in a special type of water from the North Pole, apparently if you can see something in the water. It means you're a talented water bender!" She said happily as she walked down the hall with the couple. Sokka nodded his head in a way of saying 'thats pretty cool' and Suki walked to Katara and asked her what she saw.

~College Dorms~girls~

Since Katara was the only one in the dorm tonight, since Toph and Zuko decided to go help out at Iroh's, and Suki and Sokka went out for dinner. The girl wanted to do something besides lay around all night waiting for them to come back. She had already completed her homework, and she didn't need to study, what was there to really do - She thought about walking around the park, or maybe drawing -  But then she remembered she hadn't talked to Aang since yesterday. She pulled out her phone and put in her passcode and called Aang. No answer. She called him once more. No answer. 

'Its not like Aang it miss a call' She thought to herself. As she began to put her phone back down on the table she got a text. She looked at her phone and saw it was Aang. She opened the text and frowned when he said he couldn't hang out since he was up late at the library studying for a test. She told him she understands and put her phone back down on the table then stood up and looked around for her jacket. She picked up her jacket and put it on then began to walk towards the door. 

She opened the door and slowly walked out of the dorm, she shut the door softly and looked around at the beautiful skies and smiled. As she walked down the stairs she heard the silent whispers of people, the cars driving bye the college, and she could feel the soft autumn breeze blow bye her. The girl walked down to the park area and sat down at a bench enjoying the view. The wooden bench made a slight screeching sound when a tall girl sat down next to her on the bench. Katara caught a glimpse of the girl and already knew who she was, the girl looked up and sighed. The blue eyed girl watched as Azula stood up and ran towards Ty Lee hugging her. Katara smiled slightly then looked back at the road, she stood up and decided she best head home seeing as it was only getting later. She walked back to the dorm lonely, longing for Aang, missing her friends. 

Once she got back to the dorm she lay on her bed hoping any moment her friends would be back. After scrolling through twitter, laying around, eating, and trying to sleep - she finally heard a knock. She stood up quickly and rushed to the door to see a crying Toph and a worried Sokka who was standing behind the blind girl. Toph pushed past Katara and ran straight to her room and shut the door crying harder. Sokka couldn't even get words out, he ran past Katara and tried to open Toph's door but it was locked. He felt a tear fall from his eye as he felt the sorrow rise in him while hearing her crying. 

Katara stood there stunned from what she was looking at. The water bender panicked and ran over to Sokka quickly. "Sokka what the hell is wrong with her?" She whisper yelled at her older brother. Sokka pushed his sister aside and began to knock on the door harder. 

"T-Toph please let me in." He said shakily. Toph sat inside the room breathing heavily while sobbing. She couldn't speak, she couldn't move, all could do was cry. Her thoughts were everywhere. She was hurt, she was confused, she was everything but okay. She felt around on her floor for her blanket, once she felt the soft fabric touch her hand she pulled the blanket closer to her. As she wrapped herself in the blanket she felt her breathing slow down, her tears fell slower, and she began to fall into a deep sleep, yet while her eyes were shut, she stilled panicked and worried inside.

Sokka bangs on the door non-stop until Katara pulls him away. He cries and hurts inside. Katara manages to pull him away and get him to sit down. She looks at the boy worried and almost wants to have a mental breakdown, no one hurts her sisters feelings and gets away with it. Sokka looked his sister in the eye as she began to shake. A tear fell from her eye as she heard the words coming from her brothers mouth. She prayed this wasn't true. Who could do such a thing to Toph, she was so upset and sad inside she wanted to hurt this man so badly.

The bender looks up at the boy anxiously crying harder. She could feel the pain come rushing in as she tried to calm down. Every moment, every second, hurt. You would think this happened to Katara not Toph. That sadness slowly became anger and the frown turned into an agressive frown, Sokka could see his sister tensing up so her walked over to her and sat down next to her. He sighs and looks over at his sister who is slowly falling asleep. 

"I'm so sorry, Toph..."

~1307 words~ (I'm so sorry it's short and the fact I left y'all on a cliff hanger)

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