~Chapter 7~

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~College campus~

As Toph ran into her earth bending class she felt eyes on her. Seeing as she was 5 minutes late. She ran over to her desk then pulled her hood over her head in embarrassment. "Nice of you to join us, Miss. Beifong." The old teacher spoke while the class laughed. "Awe, that's nice of you to remember me. Now cut the crap and get to the lesson." She said as she started to braid a small strand of her black silky hair. 

King Bumi started to talk about the basics of our muscles and more stuff Toph didn't care about. "Oh, this reminds me. Toph, where were you?" Toph sat upright can confused, she began to remember last week then shot up quickly. "FUCK! I forgot!" She yelled, the whole class began to stare at her. "SHES JUST A PUSSY!" Someone yelled from the other side of the room. Toph stood up quickly and walked over to them. "I'm sorry. What did you just say?" She said in a intimidating voice. The boy stood up in front of her, the small girl did look weak compared to him, but she could beat him to the ground in seconds. 

"You heard me. I said you were just being a pussy." He repsponded back and smirked. Toph pulled him down to her level by the collar of his shirt. "You wanna take this outside, boy ?" She asked as she stared into his soul. He gulped slightly and spoke once again. "What are you gonna do, Slut. Throw some roc-" Toph smacked his face and shoved him to the ground. Then placed her foot on his back, pinning him to the ground. "Call me a Slut again. I dare you." She said as she gripped a pencil from someone's desk. "Okay, S-Slut" Toph kicked his side very violently with her foot as he groaned. "Don't mess with me, bitch." She said as she turned to walk away but she was stopped by the teacher. He held a note in his hand then said.

"Ozai, now." He put the note in her hand. Toph rolled her eyes and grabbed her bags. "Who's the pussy now, bitch." She said flipping off the kid who was still on the ground. She rushed out the doors then started her way to the head of the school, to Ozai's office. She walked slowly to the office as she bumped into a oftenly felt heartbeat. "Sup, Meathead." She said as she punched his side lightly. "Ugh, got sent to Ozai because I called someone a bitch." He said as he rolled his eyes. Toph laughed slightly then spoke. "I got sent to Ozai cause someone called me a pussy and a slut so I punched them to the ground." She smiled proudly as Sokka looked at like she had invented another type of bending. "They should know better than to do that. They deserve it." They laughed and continued their way down to the office. "Wait- so you only got sent to Ozai because you called someone a bitch?" The blind girl asked confused. "Well....I may have cut their hair...." Toph's jaw dropped and she laughed. "Damn! Dude, you need to chill." She laughed as they walked into the office. She walked up front and spoke to the office lady.

"Hey, uh I need to see head Ozai." Toph said showing the lady the slip Bumi handed her. The lady looked down at the note than back at her computer. "You'll need to wait. I'll tell you when he's ready, take a seat until we call your name." The lady said keeping her eyes darted at her computer as she typed. "How do you know my name...?" Toph asked as she turned her head slightly. "How could I not! You are well known." The lady smiled at Toph. "O-oh, uh okay then." Toph said nervously as she sat down in the chair. She pulled out her phone and got on wattpad and started to read some Hamilton fan fictions. Sokka told the lady his name and handed her the paper nervously as he waited for her response.

"Just take a seat." The lady said. The water tribe boy sat next to the blind girl as she had Siri read her the book. "You're a Laurens, Hamilton fan fiction reader too?" He said shocked. Toph looked up at him and laughed. "Duh, it's like the best fucking ship in the whole damn musical." She said as she looked back down at her phone. "Good to know I'm not the only one." Sokka said as he laughed softly. Toph continued to read her book until she heard her name being called.

"Miss.Beifong?" Ozai spoke from his office door. Toph looked up and nodded as she took out her air pods. "Come in please." The man spoke. Sokka lightly tapped her shoulder. "Ahem, hood." He said as she shook her head so the hood fell back. As she walked to the door Sokka was partly stunned. Her hair was down, this was one of the first times Sokka had seen her hair down. 'Damn...she's kinda cute' he thought to himself, quickly erasing that thought. Although he couldn't get that look out of his head. Her hair reaching just to her thighs, her pale skin, her black hoodie, it all fit together so beautifully. He looked down at his phone and smiled softly. He then looked up at the office lady who was smirking after she had seen the way he looked at Toph. The lady laughed then went back to work. 

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