~Chapter 2~

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College Dorms ~girls~

Katara hopped into the car with Aang, Sokka, and Toph, Suki had to be somewhere so she couldn't help with setting up the date. Toph continued to ask where they were going but each time they denied. Eventually they pulled up to 'The Jasmine Dragon' and walked inside to order, they each got some tea and walked outside for a bit. It was a really pretty night to Aang and Katara decided to go out to get some food. As Toph and Sokka walked around Sokka blurted out something he meant to say to Katara or Aang. "Hey, you know where Zuko was? He wasn't in the te-" Sokka realized who he was talking to and shut his mouth. She bit her lip as a tear rolled down her face, she hugged Sokka ever so tightly. He was confused, she sighed and felt herself shaking. "H-he was hugging your girlfriend, but not a small gesture...he was hugging her for a good minute in the back of the tea shop.." she felt the pain aching her whole body, she loved him, why was he doing this? She was betrayed, it was just a hug...right? Or did it mean more..."Toph...I'm sure it was nothing, come on, let's get you back to your dorm. Okay" he lightly kissed the side of her cheek as they walked back to the car. They got back to the girls dorms and Sokka walked over to the kitchen to make them some tea. She sat down on the couch, head in hands, shivering. Sokka knew she was having a panic attack so his first thought was Badger. Badger could perform many different task for Toph, DPT (deep pressure therapy) is one he used when Toph was panicking or about to pass out. Even though Badger's main identity was a guide dog, he would also perform the different task Toph needed day to day. 

Sokka ran to Toph's room, he quickly called Badger up and they both ran back to Toph. Sokka went to Toph's training classes with Badger so he knew how to command him to perform the task. He motioned the dog to lay his body over Tophs chest, she started to pet his head and breathe slower. After a good fifteen minutes Toph started to sit up, she looked at Sokka and gave him a small smile. "Thanks, I don't know what I'd do without you two." She softly giggled and hugged Badger, Sokka was happy she was better, although this wasn't that big of a deal Sokka was very scared. "Your sure, you don't need wat-" Toph let out a small giggle and cupped his face, he looked concerned. "Relax Snoozles, this has happened many times. I'm fine" she hugged him as he let out a sigh of relief. Zuko walked through the door, he had much rage in his face as he walked over to the two of them who were sipping tea and chatting. "Toph!" Zuko looked at her with rage in his eyes, she was confused at his anger. "Need something Sparky?" She looked at him in confusion, Katara and Aang walked in and took one look and went to Katatras room. "What are you two doing! I swear, I cannot even believe you are going to hang out with him all the time. But when do we hang out?" Zuko screamed throwing his hands around in the air. "Woah, Zuko, I walked into the shop and, felt you hugging Suki, but for awhile. So me and Sokka left and I started having a panic attack so he stayed here. And, I always ask every morning, hey wanna hang. But it's the same excuse, No." Toph walked over and sat her tea on the table, he didn't understand how hurt she was and he left. Toph sat back down and started  to cry, she asked Sokka if he could get Katara. The young water bender stepped out of her room as Sokka and Aang left to head back to their dorm. Katara sat down with Toph trying to comfort her as every tear fell."Why is he doing this, I can't hang with my best friend but he complains we don't, I text him every morning but he always says no. It hurts Katara, it hurts" she leaned her head on Kataras shoulder as she tried to calm her down, the water tribe girl felt so bad for this innocent little blind girl. Katara knew that something between Suki and Zuko was happening, she needed answers. Suki came back about an hour later, her clothes were just thrown back on and she looked exhausted. Katara walked over, "you and Sokka, uhm, please go take a shower you reek of sex" Suki looked at her funny when she said Sokka, Katara caught on and kept her suspicions. Suki walked over to the bathroom and winked at Katara, she mouthed something but Katara couldn't tell.

College Dorms ~boys~

After Aang and Sokka came in they heard someone walk in, they didn't really think much of it and figured it was Toph since they went to Zuko's room. They sat down and started to watch Netflix when about thirty minutes later they heard moans from Zuko's room. "You think that's them?" Sokka looked at Aang with a sly smile, Aang giggled. "I think their making up, if ya know what I mean." They both laughed and watched the rest of their show, Zuko however was not in that room with Toph...

Zuko's Room (children spare your eyes from this next paragraph)

About twenty minutes after Zuko and Toph's argument, Zuko heard his door open. He let out a small smile and turned around to see Suki standing in the doorway already taking her shirt off. Zuko started to do the same but Suki stopped him, "I wanna undress you tonight." Zuko smirked as she took of the rest of her clothing, leaving it down to nothing. Zuko stared as his eyes went up and down, she tilted his head up. "Who's making the first move?" Zuko asked with a slight tug on her waist. "Me of course." She smirked and ripped out his belt as she pulled down his pants and pulled her head down with it. He moaned and moaned, it was uncontrollable, her grip was so strong. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he pushed her head in more, she pulled away facing him. He slowly started to kiss down her neck all the way down to her legs, his suck got stronger and stronger as she moaned louder and louder. She pushed his head into her crotch as he giggled and continued on, it went on for a good ten minutes until he finally gasped for air. He pushed her on the bed, she smirked as they started making out only getting sloppier with every second. They pulled away as she wiped her mouth, "wanna?" Suki didn't even finish she just wanted an answer. "Hell ya," Zuko started to push in her moan only growing louder, she still wasn't satisfied. "Come on, even Sokka can go harde- Ahhh" she felt it to the end, she needed air. They layed down as Suki threw on her clothes, Sokka and Aang were in their rooms as she snook out back to her dorm.

School Campus

After that night they all headed out of their dorms early in the morning, they met up downstairs where they each grabbed a snack bar and headed to the school campus. Sokka and Zuko had first periods together so they walked to class, all the girls had the same class for first and second period. "So, Toph it looks like we have....fith period, Earth || together." Zuko said smirking, why was this amusing to him, he was in only one period with his girlfriend. Katara got annoyed with Zuko and walked away with the girls to their classes.

"Now class, today is our first day on this campus. I expect you all to act like the adults your parents raised you to be. Now shall we get started?" Ms. Yangchen started off class with a presentation, she had Katara show the class the difference. Ms. Yang Chen thought about the spiritual connections of the four elements, you would think Aang would be in this but he had other more important classes to take. She showed us how the element of water and fire are the natural opposites, but how they are connected. Once class was over they all went to their lockers, they ran into Jet, he was hard to ignore but they all learned how to do it. Once they got to second period everyone wasn't really paying attention, it was kinda a blur to remember.

~1457 words~ (sorry it's short)

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