Chapter 2: Day Dreams

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Thanks for the people reading this :)

I'm honestly shocked that people are reading this like Wow!

Thank you all again !

~Jasmin :)

*CUSSING WARNING (Not much but yeah)*


Narrator POV:

               After the experience that Dream and George had, things haven't been fully the same.   Both streamers hadn't talked as much as they used to.  Sapnap never noticed the tension between the two as much but one day he spoke about it.  "Bye Stream!" Sapnap said well he smiled at the screen.  "That stream was so long," Dream said. "Huh...yeah" George responded awkwardly.  "What is wrong with you two?" Sapnap finally yelled.  "I don't know what you mean Sapnap".  George responded trying to act cool.  "You know what I mean George".   The whole VC chat went silent.   Sapnap broke the silence, "You guys have been awkward since George's last stream..." "what happened when I left?".   Dream finally spoke to say, "You don't need to know Sapnap".   "Um yes I do, your my friends and I need you guys to act normal not like shy kids".   "Sapnap...just stay out of it".  "I'm not staying out of it Dream" "Just tell me..." "IT'S NOT THAT HARD!" Sapnap yelled at Dream.  Neither Dream or George said anything until Sapnap spoke up once again. "Just talk to me you a$$holes..." "Please...". The VC is still silent.  "Dream said he loves me..." George finally spoke. He couldn't stand that his best friends were fighting.   "WHAT THE HELL GEORGE!" Dream screamed at George.   "At least he told me unlike you...".  "Well, you know now Sapnap, happy?!" Dream yelled.  "I...yes I am".   "Thank you George for telling me unlike Dream" Sapnap mumbled to George.  "...yeah..." "I couldn't stand you guys fighting any more".   "Well since Sapnap knows now so I'm leaving" Dream annoyingly said.  "Ok you can le..." Sapnap said but then stopped.  George then said "What?" "What happened?".   Sapnap had a shocked face with his hand over his mouth.v  "Guys...the stream didn't end". 

              Sapnap then quickly ended the stream slamming his hands on the computer.   "WHAT THE FUCK SAPNAP!!" "THE STREAM HEARD OUR WHOLE CONVERSATION!!!" Dream violently yelled.  "Dream calm down..." "Please...Dream" George trying to calm Dream down. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" "I'M LEAVING!" Dream then immediately left the VC.   "I guess it's just us then Sapnap".  "Yeah I guess".  "Did Dream really say he loved you?" "Wouldn't he be joking?". "He usually does but this felt different".  "It sounded differently...he really does love me". George at this point was blushing red and felt happy that he could tell someone about his problems. "Wow...I can't believe he actually said that".   "George can I tell you something?".  "Yeah sure anything".   Sapnap then started to become red in the face.  "Well...I like...Karl".  George was in shock.  George shocked said "Sapnap! The bad boy likes the innocent, no cussing Karl Jacobs!?" "Like the Karl Jacobs?!" "from Mr. Beast, Karl Jacobs?!".  "Yeah...". George then said in a funny voice.  "Ooo...I ship,".   "Oh god" Sapnap said annoyed.  "Well I guess we have to wait to see what twitter says tomorrow," "talk to you tomorrow George". "Yeah," "bye Sapnap".   Sapnap and George left the VC.   George was so exhausted that he didn't even change into his pajamas.  All he wanted to do was sleep.  Now he has to wait for what the chat says on twitter.  

             Dream now pissed starts to have a panic attack.   He starts crying while sitting on his bed.  Dream keeps thinking every one will hate him and he will have no friends.   His tears starts to drip on to the floor.  That night he didn't get much sleep.  He cried himself to sleep that night and his phone is already going off with all tweets that he is receiving.  Dream was already sleeping so he didn't see them.   I just they all have to wait to see all the drama on twitter in the morning.  

Estimated Words: 600-700

I am writing this late at night and I have school tomorrow D:

I wanted to get another chapter out so yup here you go

I tried to make this chapter longer, I don't know if I did but I tried

Thank you again for reading this and I hope you all have a good day/night/morning/evening!

~Jasmin :)                  

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