Chapter 2: The Offer

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Chapter 2: The Offer

"Miss Y/L/N," Professor McGonagall called as I made a beeline for the exit of her classroom. I froze and risked a glance back at her. "Please stay for a moment."

I pursed my lips and took a couple of steps back so that the rest of the students had a clear shot at the exit. I saw Percy hesitate, but I waved him on.

McGonagall waited until the room was vacated save from her and me before speaking.

"Miss Y/L/N, I am very disappointed with your performance in this class," she spoke sternly, fixing me with a stoic gaze.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I don't know what you want me to say."

"I don't want you to say anything. I want you to put in at least some effort," she scolded, her eyebrows arching.

"There's really no point anymore," I said, averting my eyes from hers. "I'm already failing. My grades will never recover."

"You have so much potential," Professor McGonagall continued, ignoring my excuse. "It's a shame to watch as you ruin yourself."

"Listen, I really have to get to Potions," I said and took a tentative step backward.

"Miss Y/L/N, wait," she said, her voice rooting me to my spot. "I have a proposition for you. I spoke with the headmaster this morning. We think that it would prove beneficial to provide you with a source of extra credit."

"Extra credit?"

"In a way," she continued. "It won't be easy. We're not just going to throw points at your feet. If you accept, all of your grades from this year will be omitted. They will be replaced by grades from the new," she paused as she searched for the right word, "program."

I looked at her with wide eyes.

"That is, of course, if you consent. The transition will not be immediate. You will have to get parental permission, but, Miss Y/L/N, I think you will find that the program is nothing short of satisfactory. If you should accept this opportunity, there will be no more slacking off. We are lenient enough to provide the opportunity; it does not come with any second chances."

"That sounds... too good to be true. What does this involve?" I asked.

"That is a discussion for a later date. If I remember correctly, you have got to get to Potions," she said.

"Right. Thank you," I said. "I really appreciate it."

"Alright then. Go on," she said and herded me to the door.

I could barely focus. All I could think about was what McGonagall said. There was a way for me to get back to where I was.

The rest of the day passed by quickly, almost feeling like a dream. My head didn't clear until I found myself in Dumbledore's office. He sat behind his desk, flanked by Professor McGonagall, who stood to the right of his desk. I sat across from Dumbledore.

"We have tailored the program specifically for you. It will be a mix of regular classes and tutoring. You will begin with extensive tutoring until you catch up, in addition to your regular classes. By March, you will begin independently studying abroad to gain job experience. This is the only way that we can get you the grades that you have missed," McGonagall explained. Dumbledore nodded absently, his eyes trained on a piece of parchment that he was writing on.

"Abroad? Where?" I asked, leaning forward.

"That is your choice, Miss Y/L/N. Dumbledore and I have drafted a list of possible locations for you where accommodations would be provided. I would suggest going somewhere that would benefit you. I would recommend making the decision based upon your future plans," McGonagall said. "The school will help with the costs through a scholarship if you can get your grades up with the tutoring. Remember, Miss Y//L/N, this only applies if you put in the work to succeed."

"And my tutor?"

"That is up to you. You could choose a professor, but Mr. Weasley has already offered to tutor you if that is what you want. Once again, you are free to choose someone else, but Mr. Weasley may be your best bet. I know that you two are very close and he is extremely diligent."

"Yeah, Percy is fine," I assured her. "When would I start?"

"Right away," she answered.

"Right before holiday break? Is that the best idea?"

"It's hardly right before holiday break. You've got nearly an entire month yet. Besides, you will be required to study through the break," she said. "I expect you'll do fine."

"I have to study over break?" I asked with a pout.

"Don't make that face at me," she said. "This is your own doing." I slumped down in my seat.

"Miss Y/L/N," Dumbledore spoke for the first time since my entrance, "this is for your parent to sign." He handed me the parchment that he had been writing on. "Please use this opportunity wisely."

I nodded as his piercing eyes held mine for too long, a bit too solemnly.

"Thank you so much," I breathed out and broke eye contact with him. "I'll try my very best."

"That's all we can do," Dumbledore said with a small nod as he leaned back in his chair.

I nodded somewhat awkwardly and excused myself.

When I got to my dormitory, I leaned back against the door and exhaled deeply. This could be my chance. I had to try. It wasn't like I could salvage my grades normally. At ten weeks into the semester, I had an average of 26. Kind of impressive.

Yet here I was, face to face with an opportunity to get all of the bad grades wiped from the slate and replaced. It was a godsend.

Wow! Did y'all really think I would let Christmas pass without posting? Ye have little faith.

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