Chapter 9: A Place

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Chapter 9: A Place

When I woke up, Percy was gone. I whined to myself and flipped over to bury my head in his pillow, wishing the sun away. I had barely slept a wink. I could hear movement from downstairs, so I willed myself to stand and traipse down the creaky staircase.

"Goodmorning, sunshine," Percy chimed and pushed a cup of tea into my hands. Ron, the twins, and Ginny were already seated at the dining table.

I snarled at him and sat down in one of the mismatched chairs that flanked the long table in the Weasley's dining room. He took a seat beside me as Mrs. Weasley came from the kitchen with a plate of food. With a wave of her wand, the table was set.

"How'd you sleep?" Percy asked from beside me.

"Shitty," I muttered in response. "I would ask you but I could tell from your snoring that you slept the night through," I lied.

"I do not snore," he said and shot me a glare.

"How would you know? You're asleep when you do it, dumbass," I growled and kicked his leg under the table.

"Goodmorning, Y/N," Mrs. Weasley said with a smile when she noticed me.

"Need help with anything?" I asked her politely and sneered at Percy when he elbowed me in the ribs. She didn't notice as she surveyed the room.

"Ah, Charlie's still in bed," she said disapprovingly. "If you'd like to fetch him, it would be greatly appreciated. If he gives you any trouble, then leave him and he can eat his breakfast cold."

I nodded and gulped my tea before I ventured back up the stairs. When I reached the attic, I knocked on the door. He didn't answer.

"I'm coming in," I called and pushed his door open. My eyes scanned his room before I zeroed in on him. He groaned and folded his arm over his face.

"What time is it?" he asked, his voice groggy with sleep.

"Seven," I answered, still in his doorway. He groaned again. "What time did you get to sleep?"

"Five," he said and sat up. His duvet slipped down and revealed that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"This feels like a trap," I said and turned around. "It's the middle of winter and you're not wearing a shirt?"

"You're wearing shorts," he scoffed before he added, "I'm covered now."

I turned back to him to find him in the exact state that I had last seen him, only this time a wide grin adorned his face. He stretched his arms over his head and stood up.

"Oh, fuck off," I said when I saw that he was in briefs.

"You were the one that came in here," he pointed out.

"Your mother made you breakfast," I said and watched him pull a t-shirt over his head. "So you'll get dressed for everyone else but me?"

"I'd get undressed for you, baby."

"Don't call me that."

Charlie laughed to himself and pulled a pair of flannel pajama pants on.

"After you, doll," he gestured for me to go first.

"That's infinitely worse." I hopped down the stairs and Charlie followed.

"We'll find one you like," he promised.

"Why can't you just call me by my name?"

He ignored me as he entered the dining room.

"Goodmorning," he greeted and stole my seat next to Percy. I glared at him and took the seat across from him, between George and Ginny.

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