Chapter 10: Romania

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Chapter 10: Romania

Welcome to our first long(ish) chapter! This feels like a big accomplishment for us, don't you agree?

The dining room was empty, beside me, as per Mrs. Weasley's request. Although the room was mostly sans-Weasley, she still often hovered in the doorway, ensuring that I wouldn't be interrupted. I did my best to ignore her somewhat unsettling presence as I sat at the dining table and studied Transfiguration. I had told Percy that I didn't need help with Transfiguration, which was a complete lie, although I ended up knowing more than I thought I would.

I saw Mrs. Weasley leave the doorway and the hyperawareness that had built up dissipated almost immediately. I loved Mrs. Weasley but her hovering was a bit nerve-wracking to say in the least. From the corner of my eye, I saw Charlie's unmistakable frame slip into the dining room while his mother was gone.

"Have you finished your studying yet, sweetheart?" Charlie asked close to my ear as he peered over my shoulder with a sudden but ersatz interest in my textbook, in case his mother returned.

"Depends on what you're offering," I answered aloofly without acknowledging his presence otherwise.

"I'll do anything to if you come with me," he responded and brushed by the table swiftly as if I had not been the reason he was in the dining room.

"Charles Weasley!" I jumped at Mrs. Weasley's exclamation. "Y/N is studying! Out! Out!"

I watched as she shooed him from the room and he begrudgingly made his way out while telling her that he wasn't disturbing me; he was just passing through.

"Mrs. Weasley, it's fine. He didn't interrupt anything. Besides, I'm all done for now anyway," I told her and stood from the chair. I stretched my arms over my head. "I need a break."

"Oh, alright, dear," she conceded and pulled a stray hair from Charlie's sweater as a peace endeavor. "You tell me when you want to study again and I'll find you a quiet place."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

I followed after Charlie as he trudged his way up the stairs. As soon as he was out of earshot, he began to laugh.

"Stop laughing," I said. "It's not funny," I laughed. He laughed harder. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room and shut the door.

"You know, having my mother as a bodyguard isn't going to stop me from getting to you," he said and brushed his thumb over my cheek.

"I didn't ask her to bodyguard. She took it upon herself," I told him and tilted my head into his hand. He smiled at me and took a step back.

"You think anyone knows?"

"That we're murderers?" I exclaimed dramatically with wide eyes and pushed him back towards his bed. "I told you to keep quiet, Charles! They's got ears everywhere!" I spoke in an old-timey noir accent.


"I'm tellin' ya'! Thems goons is inventive, with thems special listenin' devices!" Charlie's knees hit the edge of his bed and he involuntarily sat down. I walked over to his door and pointed to one of the twins' extendable ears, which was draped conspicuously over his door. "And they's better find a betta' hidin' spot for 'em!" I grabbed the ear and yanked it forward, hearing a thump from outside of his room.

"What is wrong with you? Why couldn't you have just dealt with that normally?" he laughed and watched as I opened the door and threw the extendable ear to Fred, who was giggling with George outside of Charlie's room.

"Not as fun," I sneered as the twins ran down the stairs to find their next victim. "I love being dramatic." I shut the door behind me and sat down next to Charlie. "Plus, I watched a bunch of old muggle movies with my dad. All the best characters talked like that."

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