Chapter 23: Because I Love You

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Chapter 23: Because I Love You

Going back to Romania was bittersweet. I had finally made up with my mother, and Percy was no longer mad at me. And yet, I knew that Charlie was still going to be mad. And rightfully so.

Accepting this scholarship had done more than just fixed my academic record. It gave me an opportunity to learn about myself and the people around me. I kind of found out the hard way that I was an asshole. Although I wanted to be a better person, I was likely always going to be a bitch, but I wanted to be a well-meaning, honest bitch from now on.

It was the middle of May, and the reserve was lush and green and sweet-smelling. People bustled around, going anywhere or nowhere, just enjoying the sanctuary, which was extremely beautiful as summer came. I went to Charlie's cabin, only to find it empty. I considered waiting for him, but I figured that he had waited long enough for an apology.

I walked to the dragon pens and checked in with Montag, seeing that Charlie was already checked in, and he had been for several hours.

I followed the little dirt road, scanning the groups of dragon-keepers until I saw fiery red hair. I steadied myself with a deep breath and approached him from behind, tapping on his shoulder meekly. He turned to me from Alcott, who he had been talking with.

"Hey," he muttered, his face stoic.

"Charlie, I'm sorry about everything," I apologized, seeing Alcott step away to give us some sense of privacy. Charlie watched her as if he was considering following her. I reached out to touch his arm. "I know that I've been sucky and childish and I am giving you permission to take it all out on me. I won't even cry if you yell at me because I am longer childish."

"What are you doing, Y/N?" he asked me and fixed me with a firm look.

"Charles Weasley, I have done a lot of thinking these past few weeks and I have decided that I am going to work on myself."

"Is that so?" he asked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yes," I informed him matter-of-factly. "I got a tattoo of your face on my ass."


"I'm kidding. I'm sorry, I'll be mature starting now," I promised with wide eyes. "Listen, I'm trying to not be a bitch."

He rolled his eyes and gingerly wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You couldn't be mature if you tried."

"Yeah, but I am going to try. Because I love you," I said. "And if it makes you less mad at me, I'll let everyone on this reserve know. I'll do it. I'll be sappy. I will yell it out. Say the word and it's done, Weasley."

"That's really not necessary. I'm sorry too. I'm quick to anger sometimes and I shouldn't have been such a jerk. I know you were stressed and you needed someone to talk to who wouldn't judge you," he said and shrugged his shoulders.

"So we're good?" I asked hopefully.

"We're good," he confirmed.

"Okay, but I kind of like spilled my guts back there and said I loved you and you aren't even going to say it back?" I asked.

"You're tolerable, I guess."


Graduation came fast. A small group of people from the sanctuary came to the ceremony, including Cristian, Dmitri, and Charlie. There was a bunch of certification bullshit that happened during the ceremony and I was glad when it was over, although there was a part of me that was nervous. I had no idea what I was going to do next.

Mrs. Weasley threw a sort of a graduation party for Percy and me, which we were to go to after graduation was over. My mother had opted out of the after-party after spending the night with wizards at graduation, but she promised Mrs. Weasley to visit one day.

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