Hali being a cold introvert (DRAFT)

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Yes another scrapped drabble >>

"Thunder, hi!" You greeted as you moved to sit on a stool closer to him at the counter. He has his back facing you but getting a bit close to THE Thunderstorm is a little exciting and intriguing.

"Leave me alone." He warned bluntly.

You raised your hands in the air. "Woah, I'm just here to say you were awesome that other day; saving the city and beating up those robots by yourself. I've heard a lot about you and brothers and seeing one of you in actual battle was incredible."

"We get that a lot." He would've rolled his eyes but he's too focused on cleaning a cup of glass. Pretending to wipe on invisible dirt spots in random areas of the cup. "It's no problem, don't mention it."

No really don't. He doesn't like to talk for so long.

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