Writer woes

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When you're seriously thinking thoroughly over your choice of scenes to reveal in chapter one and it still doesn't sit right with you :')

Like, the narrative is okay and even though I think my comedy is kinda trash others still find it amusing so I'd try but still—

Is this too much spoiler alert? Does it reveal too much of the future? Are the characters even acting right? Does the dialogue make sense? All of those questions would come and flood your mind and then you scrapped your third, fourth, fifth draft—

But still, practice makes perfect right? You just keep rewriting and rewriting until you find what's better for you right? Maybe look at you story outline and tweak in anything? And it isn't too late to edit, so—

Yeah, this was random, as the book said :'D but it was based on my recent struggles writing the first chapter or even prologue :') Well, for anybody similar, good luck y'all :'D

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