Changing Coping Plans

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Maybe it's not the best title but I don't know what title is fitting for this rn—

And lately, I've been quiet.

(Well, as quiet as I can be—)

And by the sounds of that alone it's probs me having that sad phase now ain't it? :') Unfortunately, yes—

More like a stressful phase tho

I swear, it got worse ;w; my writing drive hadn't come back for WEEKS or something I can't remember the last time I updated my scenarios book! Someone remind me please—

But legit, my writing drive had lessened nowadays and it went POOF :') I tried to search for tips in youtube, but when I look, it all tells me to mAKE A SCHEDULE—

And I do NOT have a good relationship with schedules :')

Not only can I not follow it, but there's so many things I gotta do that are usually in chronological order: If I wake up in the morning I'd either do the dishes and chores and stuff and take several hours. Then after lunch, It's usually free time but then MOM makes me help her business randomly and that also takes hours; it's almost unpredictable because I don't know WHEN she'll order me to help or not! If not, then it's chillax time trying to find motivation and everything or finish some other chores that I gotta work on next— I legit don't know how to set an actual schedule when there's so many things I gotta do that can add up to the pile chronologically :') I'm so tired

I'm not saying I'll leave Wattpad for good that easily, but I'm just thinking maybe I need to be off of social media and find more solitude— But that's also another sad thing because solitude means I have no one to talk to although I am SUPPOSED to either work or rest. It's seriously stressful to manage :'))))

But legit, I don't know what to do. I REALLY wanna push through it but, well, :')) Should I... Leave for a bit? Or..

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