『 3 』

328 6 0

Date created: 07/29/16

Date Updated: 12/07/20

Date Finished: 12/08/20

Author's Notes: The events of the games will not be in order and, of course, very different from the addition of my oc. And if you haven't noticed...the dialogue definitely is not the same as in the show- And this chapter was originally two. But I combined them because chapter "3" was short asf, and I really did not want to go into details. 

Warnings: None

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『 3: Elimination Round and Day 1 of the Grand Magic Games』

"Hello, all competitors! Due to so many teams entering this year. We will now have an elimination round. The first eight teams to make it through the sky Labyrinth; competes in this Year's Grand Magic Games!" a pumpkin head man said on the Lacrima screen in the inn as well as in the hologram in the sky.

"What! since when did they have that?" Lucy asked.

"I guess since today,..." Wendy mumbled softly.

"Yo, guys, check this out," Gray called.

Everyone ran over to the windows and looked outside... and just as the pumpkin man said. There was a huge spherical labyrinth in the sky—paths from each of the guild's inns. Everything seemed to be in a maze-like structure above the city.

"Also! we will not be responsible for any deaths during the games!" the announcer finished before it's hologram disappeared from the sky.

"What? what kind of games is this?" Cana asked, flopping down on a stool to finish her barrel of booze. Before anyone could answer, the announcer's voice boomed throughout the whole city.

"The elimination round.........starts now!!"

Without a second to lose, Fairy Tail's team rushed out the inn's doors and took the path leading to the sky labyrinth.

~Time-skip after the sky labyrinth and kicking Twilight Ogre's butt because I am that lazy. Even now~

"What, we're 8th place!!?" Natsu exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm sorry! At least you can still get to play in the games," the pumpkin head referee said. His face may have been smiling, but the tone of his voice showed he was mentally sweating.

The bad thing was not just that, but secretly Gramps had entered two Fairy Tail teams... the second team gotten in second place. Once the pumpkin man announced that the elimination round was completed, everyone returned to their rightful inn.

As soon as they stepped inside the inn, Tora threw her foot down on the floor, intending to smash the wood underneath her. "GRAMPS!!!" she screamed out.

What pissed her off more was that sly grin he wore as he walked up to the group. Acting so innocently.

"Yes, my sweet granddaughter?" he grinned even more.

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