『 8 』

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Date created: 08/25/16

Date Updated: 01/25/21

Date Finished: 01/27/21

Author's Notes: There will be some skips in this chapter scenes. I couldn't remember the fine details. So I'm sorry if this chapter seemed rushed and short-

Warnings: None

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『 8: Trouble with the Sabers 』

{After Day 3 games}

After the games, Fairy Tail was headed to their inn for another night of celebration until they ran into Yukino on their way, who was on the verge of tears and such sadness displayed on her features..she came to speak with Lucy.  Despite that she was apart of Sabertooth, they had allowed her into their inn and cared for her. Which was a surprise to her, it seems....she wasn't used to such kindess. Tora frowned deeply as she explained what happened and offered her golden keys to Lucy.

"I can't believe Sabertooth!" Natsu growled, beyond pissed that they would do such a thing.

"Me either," Tora agreed. What bothers her the most that Sting was apart of that cruelty.

Yukino explained how she was forced to erase her own Guild Mark and was kicked out of her own guild because she lost her match. Not to mention being forced to strip before erasing her mark.

"That it!" Natsu and Tora yelled in sync. Turning towards the door and rushed out of the building despite their friends calling out for them, heading straight for Sabertooth.

"Let's beat some saber butt!" Happy cheered as he flew above them.

Once the duo reached the inn Sabertooth occupied, Natsu kicks the door open. Maybe or maybe not breaking it in the process. "Where is your master!" He yelled, fire engulfing his fists.

Some of the members charged at them, but they were not strong enough to stop the dragon slayers. Natsu easily knocked a few out as Tora froze the rest with her Ice dragon magic.

Then before any more could be taken down, one large man stomped his way over to them.
"You two have some business with me?" He asked, clearly annoyed at the ruckus they caused.

"Yeah! We heard that you kick people out because they don't win," Tora growled with pure venom dripping from her voice.

"Yes, because they are weak."

Rage consumed her as he spoke those words. Her body acted on its own as magic built up in her mouth.
"Elemental dragon's roar!"

She shot the colorful ray at the master, but sadly it was blocked by some unknown magic.

"Let's act like adults here. Why don't you little fairies just run along, and we won't say a word about this." a lady said, standing in front of the Master. Tora didn't like her at all, just from the sight of her.

"Like the hell, we would," Natsu growled.

"If not....then your little kitty will get hurt," the woman said. She held a tied up Happy in her arms. Oh ho, she was that type.

"HAPPY!!" Natsu and Tora yelled. How did they get him? He was just behind them. Tora's dislike skyrocketed for the evil woman.

Tora was deadly silent, glaring at the woman. Weighing her options...as much as she wished to crush that annoying smirk off of the woman's stained lips. She couldn't put her dear friend in any more danger. It seems this lady was unpredictable, and there was no telling what she would do if they did not obey. Her fist clenched tightly.

"Fine," she growled.

She only smirked more at her response and released Happy as promised.

He rushed to Natsu, throwing himself in his arms. "I'm sorry guys, they got me at the door," he cried, burying his face against Natsu's chest.

"It's alright, Happy. Let's go," Natsu said and started walking out until he noticed Tora was not moving.

She continued to glare at the woman, oh they thought she would leave just like that?

"You think you are strong?  She started, her glare turning into a mischievous smirk.

"You know, that's just pathetic, honestly. To use a cat as bait? That's just showing signs of weakness," she said purposely. Tip of the day, strike the enemy's ego.

The woman growled, raising her hand to summon her magic possibly. But then the Master held his hand up to stop her. He almost seemed impressed at her witty remark.

"Don't worry. I won't cause any more trouble tonight. But I will warn you. I will in the arena. You sabers have pissed off the one fairy you do not want to anger," Tora said blankly. Turning around and began walking to the now broken door. But stopped when she reached the doorway. Turning her head to glance back at them.

"Fairy Tail will win this year and the coming years. We are whole again, and you have no idea what we are capable of," she spoke, her eyes wandering over to Sting.

He had a shocked look, but she didn't care. He is apart of all this ugliness.
She glared at him then finally walked out of the building. Seeing that Natsu and Happy waited for her outside.


Tora decided to walk around after the whole incident to calm down.
She sent Natsu and Happy back to the inn and assured Lucy that everyone was fine. She really needed a breather. She hasn't felt this upset in ages.

She ended up walking to the spot where Sting took her for their date. Once she stood by the tree, looking up at the sky, someone grabbed her by the hips and pulled her towards them.b

She released a frightened yelp, ready to spin around and sucker punch the attacker...  until she felt a hot breath by her ear and recognized the scent. How did she not smelled him sooner? Or even hear him? Was she that distracted by her anger?

"Sting," she mumbled, almost wanting to lean to his touch. But she pulled away and glared at the blonde male.

"What do you want?" She snapped.

He only smirked softly, leaning against the tree as he stared at her, "You made quite a scene back there."

A frown now tugged at her lips. Crossing her arms as she turned away, being a bit childish at the moment, "Well, your guild is cruel and meaningless," she said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He softly growled.

When she heard his growl, she turned to face him, "I mean that your guild is beyond cruel and has no meaning! A guild that only believes in power and strength, not teamwork or friendship! You will never get far. You cannot grow strong alone on pure strength, and I will not stand by that logic!" she snapped...maybe a bit too harsh, but it was the truth.

He stayed quiet, looking down. Not bothering to look up at her, showing no signs of wanting to speak. She scoffed at his silence.

"Now, if you don't mind, I have to go," she said coldly, walking past him. He didn't even bother to stop her. Did he really care about that nonsense mindset more than her?...did he really believed in it? After the amazing time, they had, seeing a different side of him..or did he fake it to lure her in... Her eyes water at the thought. Maybe this was for the best...

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