『 11 』

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Date created: 09/06/16

Date Updated: 01/31/21

Date Finished: 02/01/21

Author's Notes:  Ehhhh, this is the last chapter, after editing it. I see how extremely catchy and short this story is, and I don't really feel better about it. But ehhh, there it is. Maybe one day I'll rewrite the whole story- Maybe-

Warnings: Possible triggering scenes.

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『11: Last Day of The Grand Magic Games 』

Today was the last day of the grand magic games. Many explained that the last day was always preserved for the last man standing battle. Fairy Tail team spent most of the night planning this battle with the one and only master strategist; Mavis. Mavis explained everything to them about the final game, every detail she gathered on the other teams, and calculated what routes they would take. She gave them a full-fledged plan on how to win the games.

"Alright, teams, time for our last event. We will play the Grand Magic Game!. In this event, the entire team plays in a battle royale. The teams' leader is worth 5 points while the rest of the players are worth 1 point. The games will be over when only one player is standing. Now teams get ready!" The announcer said.

Just as the announcer said, Fairy Tail stood in their destined spot, with their eyes closed. Seconds later, the bell rang to begin, but they stood still, waiting for Master Mavis's mark.

Everyone was curious in why they didn't move. Some yell at them to move, even Gramps joined in. But we wouldn't.

"What's this? Fairy Tail is not moving!"

A small smile formed on Mavis's lips as she explained to the others the planned she created for victory. Standing to her on the railing above the arena. When the time was right, she pointed out.

 "Now start operation, Fairy Star!" They heard Mavis shout out. 

Their eyes snapped open, and they charged. 

They all had their own route to met with the most capable enemy. But Tora declared that Minvera was her's...thankfully, Mavis agreed and created a plan for her. Since Minvera was Tora's only target, she lazily walked towards her destination in the town's center. No one had dared even to challenge her yet.

"Wow, Tora Dreyer is just walking while her teammates are battling. Will she fight or wait out?!" The announcer said.

After a few minutes of walking, she arrived at her destination. A small frown on her lips seeing Erza and Kagura with Minvera. A miscalculation? or just meant to be? But no matter, it did not bother Tora. She smirked as she walked closer, her presence being noticed by the trio.

 "Well, this is just pleasant," She teased Minvera. It seemed the three were fighting beforehand.

Kagura was bothered with the newcomer, running towards them. Minvera chuckled. Her pride hasn't faded yet.

 "I'll take you both down," she said with a prideful smirk, sending a strange ball of magic towards Tora and Kagura Tora easily dodged the sphere with a twist of her body, and Kagura jumped away back to keep from touching it.

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