Chapter 6

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One last day before I was going back to school. I didn't haft to, but I thought with Eda always working at the stand she could use the house to herself. Plus it gave me more opportunitys to save people in need. Speaking of the matter I knew exactly what to do on my last day of the short brake.

I was going to get me a suit. Somehow...

Okay I didn't really have a plan but what I did have was a full day and permission to borrow the portal from Eda. And thats all I really needed.

So here I am, in the human world once again, searching tailor shops for anything I could use.

The sky in the human world was far different. It was a bright blue compared to the Boiling Isles purple, blue, and orange sky. It was almost like a constant sunset. To say it was odd but beautiful in it's own way.

The wind danced around me, rustling leaves and causing grass to sway. I walked along the pavement, my shoes making tapping noises with each step I took, off to the next store.

I knew where I was going next, even if I didn't like it much. A quaint little store called 'Mending and Spending'. My mother was friends with the family who owned the shop. I was friends with the woman who owned the shop. Her husband on the other hand still wasn't sure about me, but I think he's warming up to me.

I hadn't seen their family since I was 14 but I didn't mind. I didn't really care because of who their daughter was. Juile Hamons. She was blond with a pink streak in her hair. Caption of the cheer team and popular. And she hated me with a passion.

That where my 'weak nerd' arms line came from, she used to tease me all the time for it. I didn't let her get to me though. She didn't deserve the credit. I wasn't going to give that girl any credit for how poorly she treated me.

But luckily I was over it.

Walking into the shop a ding was heard above me from the tiny bell attached to the door.

"Mrs.Hamons?" My voice echoed back to me from the mostly empty shop. It was quite large compared to the little stock she had in there.

"Oh my word... Luz dear is that you?" I short lady walked out from thw back room, standing behind the desk. She had long brown hair and green eyes. She wore a long sleeved gray shirt and black tights. She walked over to me putting her hands on the side of my arms.

"You've grown so much! And you're more muscular now! That camp did you good didn't it!" She playfully put a finger up raising and eyebrow.
Camp yeah...
She started laughing so I laughed along with her, putting a hand to the back of my neck. "I guess camp did wip me into shape a bit." Little did she know the type of camp I was at was one with demons, octopus monsters, flying spider shooting griffins, people with pointy ears, and flesh eatjng plants. Of course I was a bit more in shape, that places moto is litarly 'around every corner somthing trys to kill you'.

"Deary come out and see Luz!" I heard grumbling from the back, and soon Mr.Hamons came out. He was tall with a gruffy beard and grayish hair that used to be a light blond. He wore a short sleeved black shirt light gray jeans and a watch on his left wrist. Being 100 percent honest I used to think he was a mountain man. He looked like one.

"Why Luz! You changed quite a bit!" He seemed more excited then usual to see me. He normally would just grunt and walk off. But what can I say, maybe he just didn't like my hyperactive 14 year old brain.

I was 18 now. I obviously wasn't exactly the same as I was before, but in his eyes I probably changed for the better.

"Julie! Come out and say hi yo Luz!" Mr.Hamons called out behind him.'awh fuck'. I haven't seen her in forever. She probably still hates me. Only reason I talked to her outside of school was because I knew her parents.

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