Chapter 19

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Luz POV:


This was it.

They knew.

Amity reached towards the bottom of my mask, pulling it over my head.

I sheepishly looked over to the group who all looked more shocked than before.

Boscha still had her hands on Willows shoulders, but there was no grip anymore.

Gus's mouth dropped towards the floor and looked at the two of us in shock.

I was actually really surprised he was the one to figure it out.

"HOLY SNICKERDOODLE! IT WAS ACTUALLY LUZ?" He screamed out in amazement.

What was he shocked about?

He's the one who figured it out.

He even had tons of facts against me.

"What do you mean? You knew it was Luz. Why are you surprised?" Boscha commented, her voice less than a whisper.

"Well I know I said that! But I was fully guessing! Luz does weird stuff all the time, it's a normal thing now!"

Amity and I exchanged a glance at each other before looking back at the group.

"I just made a guess and hoped you would say I was right! I guess I really am smart!" Gus smugly folded his arms over his chest, before being slapped on the back of the head by Willow.

"So Luz, you really are the Spid-"

"Can I be your guy in the chair!?!?!?"

Willow started before being cut off by Gus screaming in my face.

"Guy in the chair?" I asked, getting a glare from Amity for feeding into his mischief.

"Yeah! Guy in the chair! I monitor your position and get you into locked places! Your right hand man! The one who helps you behind the scenes!" He threw his hands in the air out of excitement.

I guess this is my fault for saying that we should watch James Bond for movie night.

He wants a whole fantasy, mission impossible, type of reality.

Who could blame him?

"Oh my god Gus-" Boscha smacked her face.

"Sorry Gus, but I don't need a guy in the chair. Especially since I don't want you being in danger."

Gus dropped his arms and let out an 'awh' of disappointment.

I looked over to Amity, grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers before looking back at the group.

"Now that you guys know this secret, you can not tell anybody! Under no circumstances! Amity was already in enough danger when she found out, now I have three others to worry about. Am I clear?" I said in the most serious voice I could.

The three of them looked almost scared by the tone of my voice.

That didn't matter to me at the moment.

Normally I would feel bad, but they're all my friends! I don't know what I'd do if any of them got hurt because of me.

I was already so nervous to have Amity knowing.

Anybody could use her against me if I was fighting.

Now I have four people to be scared of being used against me.

It really wasn't my day was it?

The trio nodded their heads slowly, looking at me with full attention.

I sighed.

"Well, I need to go get my backpack before anybody steals it. And you three, keep your mouths shut, you hear me?"

They all nodded their heads vigorously.

They all knew that I was serious when I used a mom tone.

You know, that one tone that every mother has that scares you senseless? That one.

"Good." I turned to Amity, who was blushing. "I'll see you later." I kissed her cheek before grabbing my mask, pulling it over my face, and running through the doors into the halls.

There would possibly still be students roaming around, but if I was really sneaky I could get past them.

Or if I got caught I could just say I was heading somewhere and needed a shortcut. Or maybe that I know somebody here.

I don't know what excuse I'd use.

For a person with an alternate life where you're a super hero, I'm surprisingly terrible at lying.

Honestly I don't know how people didn't find this out until now.

I crawled up the wall of the school, making my way across the roof.

I was right. There were still a few students, but not too many.

I made my way into the bathroom, pushing into the stall with my bag.

Luckily it was still there.

Nobody had stolen it, but there was a huge chance somebody saw it.

Imagine seeing a backpack with webs on it.

If I was still a child I would scream and run.

When I was a kid I was terrified of spiders. Look at where I am now.

Short chapter.

Probably not proof read.

Have a good day, and thanks for reading!

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