When Darkness Falls

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything from How to train your dragon

Chapter 4: When Darkness Falls

After the previous adventures, the Dragon Riders decided they need to look for a new base. However, they soon found that the task was easier said than done.

"Let's explore the island on foot; rest the dragons for a long trip home, I'm a muttonhead!" Snotlout mocked as he, Hiccup and Hicca ran away from four wild boars on foot.

"Oh like the lands you chose were any better!" Hicca retorted as they continue to run.

"OK, then genius, what's our next move?" Snotlout challenged.

The three continued to run until they reached a cliff, with the boars closing in.

"W-weapons, we need weapons." Hiccup said to the other two. Hicca readied her staff, while Snotlout eyed Hiccups' prosthetic.

"Got one!" He announced, grabbing the prosthetic.

"Snotlout, let go!" Hiccup demanded.

"What? Called dibs! Gimme!" Snotlout retorted.

"Snotlout, quit it!" Hicca said, trying to get her cousin away from her twin.

The trio then broke apart when they noticed the boars getting closer. Before the animals could get any closer, a series of Nadder spikes blocked their path, creating a protective barrier for the three human. A magnesium blast then sent the animals running away. Hiccup, Hicca and Snotlout looked up and saw Raeda and Astrid with Sparkfire and Stormfly, revealing to be the ones protecting them.

With the boars out of the way, the three humans reunited with their dragons and rejoined the others in the air.

"OK, so check that island off the list." Hiccup noted.

"Ooh-hoo-hoo! This is so exciting!" Fishlegs exclaimed, the excitement clear in his voice. "Searching the high seas for an island outpost to call our own!"

"Yeah, I like this idea!" Ruffnut agreed. "Move away from Berk, get my own place, away from you-know-who..." She looked meaningfully at her twin as she said the last part.

"Yeah, you're telling me, sister." Tuffnut nodded in agreement, not realising that he was the one she was talking about. "I am so sick of you-know-who. He never knows when to shut up! I want him out of here!"

"Guys, let's focus." Hiccup called getting them back on track. "Alright, we need to find an island that's safe, secure, and habitable for both us and the dragons."

"Blah, blah, blah! How many times do we have to hear that?" Snotlout asked, annoyed.

"Um, until we find what we're looking for?" He then spotted another nearby island. "Let's check this one out."

The dragons swooped down on the island and joined their riders in surveying the island.

"Not bad, not bad! Lots of fresh water, seems like a plentiful food supply..." Hicca listed.

"And lots of cool blue flowers." Ruffnut finished for the Haddock girl, picking up said flowers to sniff. "I'm in!"

However, she didn't know that these particular flowers were unfortunately familiar. Luckily the others did.

"Wait...aren't those...?" Astrid questioned.

Fishlegs gasped. "Blue Oleanders, deadly poisonous to dragons." They already confronted a Deathsong, they did not need a reunion with a Scauldron.

"So...we're not staying." Tuffnut questioned. He got his answer when Barf and Belch sneezed, accidently sparking a fire.

Luckily, the teens got their dragons off the island before they could become sick again and tried another island.

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